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"Lifestyles of the rich and diapered. Today we're visiting Tony Baloney in his diapercuck mansion. He's made millions as an internet personality and the internet's biggest diapercuck! Let's go and say hi!"

"Hey, guys, come in, check out my crib!" he said, flashing his award winning smile - thanks to PepDent - the most recommended toothpaste in America!  

Tony stepped aside to let the camera - and by extension the audience - into his palatial Beverly Hills estate.

"Here you have the Foyer, it's great for racing my mini carts around. Maybe we can go for a cruise later."

The camera panned across the entrance area that was larger than it had any right to be. Not much in there but tiled floor and some furniture around the far reaches of the walls. And some skid marks.

"Not unlike my undies before I went back into diapers," said Tony, showing a bit of his signature wit. 

"So Tony," said the host, an older man with shock-white hair that would hang to his shoulders if he had a little less product in, "what's it like being the new top dog on the diaper circuit?"

Tony leaned against the kitchen counter, and fiddled with his paci clip for a minute. 

"Well, to be honest, it's not all fun and games. By the way, that's my gucci high chair - handmade in Italy with portuguese leather!" 

"Wow, sounds like fame has taken its toll," said the host, with a sympathetic smile. All his expressions were smiles of one sort or another. 

"That's right," said Tony. "It's the reputation. Everybody knows me! For example, most of my viewers can just go out, do whatever, wearing whatever they like. I can't even go out for a walk in normal clothing, or people will spot me, hold me down, and throw me into diapers and baby clothes!"

"Well," said the host, "It makes sense to me! People just aren't comfortable seeing you out of diapers and baby clothes." 

"Yeah, guess not," shrugged Tony. "Let's go check out my *real* crib now. This way to the nursery!" 

They made their way through a long hall to one of the biggest rooms in the house. More an indoor playground than a nursery, this room had everything. Jacuzzi, kiddie pool, mini racing tracks for RV cars and trucks, a jungle gym you name it. And of course there was the traditional furnishings of a baby room on the second floor. 

"So this is where I sleep," said Tony, patting his crib. "I'm changed and put to bed at 8 every night whether I like it or not! But hey, that's the life of a baby, right?"

"Hehe, sure is, Tony. In fact," the host checked his watch, "I think it's about time for your nap now! Here comes Nanny!"

"Hey, wait, I haven't shown you the multi-level playspace in back!"

One of his full time nannies appeared in the camera's view, and pulled Tony away toward the changing table, preparing to treat the audience to a front row view of Tony's diaper change routine. 

"Hey, wait," said Tony, as Nanny lifted him by the armpits onto the changing table, pushed him down, and flung open his snap shorts, tossing them aside. 

"So, what's it like caring for Tony?" asked the host to the nanny, who was busily bustling about the table, grabbing changing supplies, ripping open the tapes of Tony's well used diaper, checking his chastity cage, and so on. 

"Oh, he's a real sweetie, honestly. He just gets fussy whenever it's time for him to go to sleep. You know how it is. Always wants to stay up and play a little later. Always asking if he can have his underwear back and take off his cage just for a little while between shoots, and interviews. We have a lot of fun."

Despite his fame, Tony was still visibly embarassed to be changed on national television like this. Not that he could do anything about it. 

"Well, let's say goodnight to Tony," said the host, waving to the young man, who was left gripping the bars of his crib like a prisoner.

"See you next time on Lifestyles of the Rich and Diapered!" 

Kit turned off the TV. 

"Lucky. I wish I could live like that... Oh well, maybe one day."

He waddled off to the bathroom to change, and post a few more pictures online. Who knew, maybe these would be the ones that would get him 'discovered'?


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