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He awoke with a start. Damn. What time was it? He fumbled for his alarm clock. The light was already peeking through the window and he just knew the damn thing had failed to go off again. Huh that's odd. He didn't feel any alarm clock when he reached over, or even a nightstand. His hand bumped up against something hard instead. Hard. Vertical. Wooden? A series of rungs came to view as he squinted in the dim light. He heard a distinct crinkling sound under him as he shifted. The mattress felt...different. 

He turned over to where his partner should be. 

"Manda? Aman-" 

She wasn't there. There was just an identical row of bars on the other side. What was going on? Just as he sat up and began to rise to his feet, the door opened and the light switched on. It was Amanda, dressed in a night robe, and... he was in a crib! 

"Ohh, I thought I heard someone fussing in here. How's my special boy?" 

"Amanda," he said, "What are you-" 

He stopped mid sentence, aghast as she came over and pulled down his pajama bottoms to grab his... his diaper?

"Looks like someone was busy last night! You are soaked, mister! And are you messy too?" 

"No, I'm not messy!" he said. "What the hell is going on? Why am I in a crib?" 

She gave him a stern look. 

"Now don't start the day off with an attitude, Tay Tay, or it will be quiet time for you." 

She lowered the crib bars, and hoisted him out. He was still dumbfounded. He had to get to work. What was he doing in a diaper and in a crib? 

"That's your bed silly! You always wear a diaper to bed!"

She said it as she laid him down on the nearby changing table as if it were the most natural thing in the world. 

"H-hey! I don't need diapers! And I certainly don't need you to change me."

Amanda sighed.

"It's going to be one of those days..." she said, quickly bringing up straps across his chest before he had a chance to get up. 

"Shh, now, honey. I'm going to clean you up. You just suck on this dummy," she said, and she stuck a pacifier between the confused man's lips. 

He instinctively began to suckle and she continued to speak to him as if she was talking to a small child. 

"Let's see what my little bug left for me today! Mmm, no boom booms. But a very soggy bottom! Well done, mister man. You get a trip to the potty and pull-ups for the day!" 

She said this as if it were some great achievement. But all Taylor could do was lay there in shock. He wanted to struggle against the restraints. He wanted to spit out the pacifier and tell her to let him up at once, but his body wouldn't cooperate on either count. The dummy had somehow relaxed his body, and try as he mihgt, his mouth would not stop sucking on the blasted thing. All he could do was make a few muffled whines as his wife presented him with a pair of pull-ups that looked like they belonged on a pre-schooler. Some cartoon dog character he didn't recognize was smiling on the front of blue pullup, and he winced as his wife reached for the tapes of his diaper. 

"Shh, honey. It's just a diaper change." 

She rubbed his stomach to comfort him, and then her hands slid lower and removed the tapes as she had intended. 

Cold air hit his skin and he gasped. His body responded with an involuntary stream shooting out from his limp penis. Luckily Amanda seemed to know what she was doing and she had held front of the diaper at the ready over his crotch until the stream petered out. She quickly followed with some very cold wipes, before balling up the diaper and sliding the pull-ups up over his legs. 

"There," she said, releasing the straps. "That wasn't so bad, was it?" 

He sat up, dazed, and ran his hand over his face. Something was clearly wrong. He pulled out the pacifier from his mouth.

"Amanda. I don't know what is going on right now, and I don't really have the time to hear your explanation. I'm probably supposed to be walking into work right now."

He hopped down off the table.

"We'll talk about it when I get home." 

He walked into the hall with his wife following.

"Where do you think you're going, little man? You're not even dressed yet!" 

He headed down the hall, ignoring her question and turned into the room. He went over to the dresser drawers, but none of his clothes were inside.

"Amanda, where are my damn-" 

He suddenly became aware of someone sitting up in the bed. It was his best friend since high-school, Rob. 

"Rob, what...?" He was completely confused. 

"Oh hey, little guy. Are you trying to play dress up with Daddy's cothes?" 

Amanda strode in behind him and crossed her arms.

"I'm sorry, honey. I don't know what's gotten into him today!" 

"What is Rob doing in my Bed?" he asked, glancing down and remembering the ridiculous underwear she had put him in. 

He ripped the pullups easily off and tossed them to the ground.

"And where are my clothes?" 

"I don't know what's gotten into you young man," said Rob, standing up and walking up to him, "but you do not talk to us in that tone, and you do NOT take off your clothes, especially not your diapers!" 

"Who the fuck asked you, Rob?" said Taylor, getting heated at his friend's disrepectful tone.

"Oh, that is it!" said Rob, grabbing him and pulling him onto the bed and over his lap.

"You do NOT take off your DIAPERS!" he said, spanking him hard with each emphasized word. "And you do NOT talk to DADDY or MOMMY in that tone EVER, do you UNDERSTAND me, Taylor?" 

Taylor screamed out in pain at each slap to his rear. His friend's hand rained down fire on his ass, and there was nothing he could do but to beg for it to stop. 

"I SAID do you UNDERSTAND me?" 

"Yes! Yes! I understand! Please! Just... let me go!" Taylor cried. 

He didn't understand what was happening, but he did know that he did not want his bottom getting any more of a thrashing than it already had. Mercifully, the man let him up, and his wife grabbed his hand, leading him back to the room he had awoken in. This time Rob came with, and he was lifted by his best friend onto the changing table. No straps were needed, the warning looks of the angry pair was enough. His wife brought Rob a thick diaper and he soon found his legs lifted into the air. He was close to tears as he suffered the embarassment of being oiled, powdered, and diapered by his best friend. The feeling of the man's large hands rubbing his crotch, his penis, and even over his hole was awkward and uncomfortable. The feeling of the diaper coming up between his legs, the plastic of the diaper bulging out against his skin, all of it was strange to him, an alien sensation in his normally very uneventful life. His gaze was met by the eyes of the happy Puppet Avenue characters all over the front of his diapers as his diaper was taped up tightly over his stomach. Then, a pair of very shiny looking underwear was brought up over his legs, and secured with a click. He was being put in locking clothing to prevent him from removing his diapers.

"Amanda? Rob? W-what's going on?" 

This time his voice was more of a plaintive whine than a demanding question. 

"That's Mommy and Daddy, to you, little man." said Amanda, who was already helping him up and into a childish looking outfit. 

"And what's going on is we're taking you to Daycare. Don't think you can tantrum your way out of this little man, Miss J knows how to deal with unruly boys just as well as the nice ones." 

Daycare? Miss J? What was she talking about? 

He felt another click and realized he was locked under yet another layer between him and the diapers he was forced to wear.

"I have to go to work..." he said, quietly, knowing that this argument was lost well before he said the words. 

"I think he wants to be like Daddy," she said, glancing over at Rob.

Rob looked down at him.

"Is that true, Taylor? Are you trying to be like Daddy?" 

Rob sighed and put his hand on Taylor's shoulder.

"I know you want to be a big boy, Tay Tay, but you're just not ready for that. And you never will be. You're just...special. And you'll always just be a little boy to us, so no more trying to play dress up with Daddy's clothes, do you understand me, Taylor? And no more talk about big boy things. The only words I want to hear out of your mouth are yes sir. Am I understood?"

"Yes sir," said Taylor, meekly. 

Of course he didn't understand at all, and as his morning progressed, all he could gather was that he was the only one that seemed to think something was amiss. As for his wife and best friend, they seemed to think he was simple, and any attempt at an adult conversation was met with a stern look and a warning. They wanted to nip this new behavior in the bud, and they were having none of it.

Clearly they were in a hurry to get him ready, because he was soon fed, his shoes tied, and he was bundled into the car with a dinosaur book bag packed with lunch, extra diapers, and a change of clothes 'just in case'. 

He looked on helplessly from his carseat as they pulled up to the big Daycare. He shouldn't be here. He didn't need looking after. He was a full grown man, damnit! But if his morning so far was any indication, he didn't expect that Miss J or anyone else inside would be so easily convinced...


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