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For Part 1 see "A Message from Terry the Manager" on Oct 24th 2020. 

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So, Rainbow sent me the contracts and I noticed that the band had given up ownership in the masters to a European label.

See…. I have no idea how Taylor Swift did not own her own masters. After all, she was dealing with some heavy hitter lawyers and the first thing that they should have done for her was give her ownership of her recordings in any contract that she signed. If not immediate ownership, then the right to recapture them after a certain number of years. But she didn’t and just a couple of years ago she raised hell about it. TBM will never have to do that.

The band had a manager at that point and like a lot of bands just starting out, it was a friend of theirs. The one who didn’t play an instrument is either the singer or the manager. This woman was the manager. We won’t get into any of the specifics except to say that the band broke away from her and she broke away from them after the big debt tour I talked about previously. So the band was without a manager and they asked me if I wanted to Manage them, I said no, not at this time, but that I would help them with their business.

Many bands look upon a Manager as someone who takes care of the business and that’s about it. However, for me, if I was going to be Manager, then I was going to comment on everything from song choices to marketing to recording and mastering as well as take care of the business. And until we got to know each other better, we should wait on that. So, I straightened out their contracts and got ownership back and then they started playing me demos of their new album that would be coming out in a year or so. That album turned out to be Walking With Strangers. Needless to say, the songs were incredible, and I began to see the growth in their writing and production…. And it was impressive. So, somewhere around September of 2006 I heard an early version of Kill the Lights and I had an idea to build the audience.

In those days myspace was the big deal and some bands had tens of thousands of followers. The Birthday Massacre had a bit over a thousand and so I suggested that we start hyping the next album by releasing one of the songs on New Years Day 2007. That song was “Kill The Lights”.

This is where I have to stop and give this band all the credit in the world. They had just come through a terrible experience with a “manager” and with a tour and here I was kind of taking over some things that can make a band extremely nervous. But they trusted me and I trusted them. More about how important that is in a later story.

A good place to stop….. but next chapter is going to be about what an Artist Manager’s job is and specifically, what my initial goals were for TBM.



Very interesting, Terry!


Thanks for sharing these stories with us, Terry! 💜💜💜


Thanks Terry...super interesting...and i would totally agree with you on Walking With Strangers...its an incredible album 💜🖤


I was a regular visitor to Stoney Creek Ontario (by Hamilton) from 2001-2006. I was introduced to Canadian music then and had even went to Toronto to see Nightwish during that time. I had never heard of The Birthday Massacre, so I am thankful for you having launched them further. How did they end up on Pandora? That was my TBM gateway long after my Canadian trips had ended almost a decade later - and it was TBM that sucked me back into Canadian music and re-discovering all of the bands I had listened to in those early days of my part time Canadian life.


I’m glad you care about the band as much as we do and have helped move them this far 💜💜💜 really good story Terry!


MySpace is where I discovered TBM. Found them through another band and watched the video for Blue. Instantly fell in love with the music and imagery. 💜


It is good to know that and how much Terry helped my favorite band :) And I remember MySpace, my profile is probably still active (if the website did not die). I got to know it through my best friend. MySpace was never popular here in Brazil, but I had one and I thought that it was fun and, it happened when I listed to TBM for the first time, around 2006 and 2007.


MySpace was so unique, only a few people had acces to it, since it was not that popular as nowadays social medías are. When Facebook, Twitter, started to gain popularity people started to move to those websites and abandoned MySpace 😞 with that a lot of great bands died. I’m glad to see TBM is still on the road, we all would like to see more action in social media. 😃


That’s very inspiring. I am a later discoverer of TBM in the beginning of ‘15. First song I heard and saw was the. “In the dark”. Video. Also TBM. Refueled my concert addiction. Thank you.


my first TBM song was from the TWS album, Remember Me...it was used in a Dark Shadows video tribute to the character Willey Lumos...boy that song struck a nerve considering how I just had a bad falling out with a very close friend...TBM had me...hook, line and sinker...


MySpace was such a great connection to bands. If my MySpace is still out there somewhere it is most likely rocking some TBM. Thanks for sharing this chapter of the story, Terry. I am loving hearing your part.


So awesome Terry thank you <3


I was a proud one of those thousand or so that was a fan on MySpace when ‘Kill the Lights’ dropped. I believe I nearly cried the first time I heard it.


For whatever reason, I didn't hear about TBM on MySpace. Kill the Lights dropped for me on eMusic, the download subscription service. eMusic suggested Walking With Strangers for me, probably based on other stuff I was downloading at the time. Kill the Lights was the first song, and I was forever hooked. I don't know what other songs on eMusic led to the suggestion, but TBM was much different - and much better - than anything else I was listening to. BTW, the *last* song on the album - Movie - is still one of my favorites too.


These stories are so interesting to read & show the truths of being an artist & that it isn't always as easy as it seems. Thank you so much for sharing these 🖤💜