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Wanton Cove:

Added one new piece of background art to the game (And finalized a list of what is still needed for the game between now and completion).  Also, over the last couple of days, I've done a couple of minor rewrites and small improvements to the game.  The game is in the testing phase right now, and I've yet to hear about any bugs so far.  


At present, everything that needs to be written for the first official release of this has been written, we're just waiting for the person who is helping me with the coding to finish up a few things.  On those grounds, I've opted to keep working on the written content for the game and have stared making items for in-game, many of which will be for modifying the girls to your liking (Ability to change hair color, eye color, height, weight, breast size, apparent age, etc)  got a list of about 35 items half added to the game this morning (Basically, they are in the game physically, but they dont appear or do anything yet.)  It shouldn't be too hard to make the modification items usable, just need to write some short/basic scenes for them.  Also started adding sex toys to the game, though those probably wont have any related content for a couple of builds at least.  (But hey, having the mechanical stuff all in place makes it much easier to get things up and running down the road.)

I honestly don't know how long its going to take to get the mechanical stuff working correctly, but I think the bulk of it is just figuring out how to display and set various bits of content.  Once the mechanical stuff is all in place, a few days of hard work should get it all working.  As of right now, there is about 50k words of content written for the game that just needs to be added once the code is ready for it.

In the meantime, I'm going to continue doing what I can to get content ready to add quickly once the code becomes available, and writing additional content for the game.

Will keep you all posted on additional progress as I find time to work on things (Wed and Thur should both be good days for work).  This week will see a heavy emphasis on Inheritance on my end, and a new Wanton Cove build should be out the last half of this week.


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