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Got some good news:   As I've mentioned in the past, I've been working on some content for ETO/Girl Life (English Version) adding a new character to the game as well as related content.   21k words of content later, I've finished the first stage of that content.  That content will hopefully appear in the next big update to that game.

What this means is that I have one less side project for the time being (Likely a couple of months or more) before I have to pay much attention to that project again, and even then the content I have planned can be added in small bits (And I've laid the ground work for someone else to pick up where I left off  if they want to flesh out the character more before I get back to it.)

I know none of that has much to do with you guys (Other than me having a little more time for my own projects), but I wanted to share anyway on the grounds that I feel really good about having the content I promised them completed.  So yeah, yay me!  And I'll be sure to let you guys know when the new build of that game comes out so you can check it out if you want to.

Now, off to find some caffeine, play a little Mass Effect, and likely stay up way too late before calling it a day!



I recently discovered Girl Life, and have really enjoyed it thus far. I'd even like to contribute content at somepoint in the near future once my schedule clears up, so I applaud any effort you and others pour into GL!


In that case, head over to TFGamesSite (They have their own forum over there) and reach out to "Kevin Smarts" They've been organizing and coordinating everything, and I know they're always looking for contributors.


I didn't know that was still being updated. Are the two projects one at TFGS or is it still split between it's russian devs and english translators?


I think ETO has been abandoned, but there's a group of people over on TFGamesSite that have picked the project up and have been hard at work on it. They just recently released a version .6 that saw a massive overhaul of everything mechanical in the game (The game was buggy as hell before, now it actually runs really smoothly), they've been going through and improving the translations, and they've been adding some new content. Basically its received a complete reorganization of the project and they're now starting to add new content independent of the Russian version of the game I'm under the impression that they are adding new content to the school, and college, and it looks like they have one person heading each of the towns in the game to improve and add content to each of those areas. I've been really amazed at the efficiency they've shown in rebuilding and now growing the project.


I do my best to keep everyone updated. Partly because I figure its a good habit to keep my Patrons in the loop as to what I've been up to, and partly because it makes a good motivator for me since I feel I need to do enough to justify mentioning it. ;) On that note, I don't plan to accomplish much until the middle of this coming week, but I should have plenty of time to work on things late next week, so I'll be making up for lost time then.


I have been playing/following this game for quite a while. Updates aren't too often (unless you play the dev versions) and was happy to see the latest update come out. Love how its much more streamlined now, and was happy to see you were a part of it!! Keep up the good work, the last update was a really huge one


Yeah Girl Life is a slow but steady labor of love. I wont spoil anything big, but when the next big build comes out, check out the town the grandparents live in, there's a new NPC to interact with.


Mass Effect is important too. :)


Darn right it is! I'm a big fan of the series. This one has an interesting story and beautiful visuals, but the missions feel a bit repetitive and theres little in the way of diversity in the animal life you encounter, which I find disappointing.


A lot of the 'make work' missions can safely be skipped. They're for insane completionists (like me) only. But some of them are kinda cool. I am not a big fan of character designs though, but I hear they're working on that, so, no worries. And yes, it's a fantastic new setting for the series. I don't know about samey animal life... sure, there's some repetition, but then again, flying mantas on jungle planet.


I'm the same. Love to reach every bit of lore and explore every nook and cranny of a game. And yes, the flying manta things were pretty cool. Been playing the game for about two weeks now and am creeping up on 50 hours of play time. Just liberated the Asari arc, but haven't really gone after the core missions yet. I think I'm almost done with Eos and have two other settlements at this point, will probably choose one of those worlds and see about shortening my massive pile of little side quests a bit. I plan to exhaust the side missions as best I can before carrying the main story any further.