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Had a significantly more productive evening last night than I had expected.

Since I wasn't going to have internet, I made a list of things I could take care of without the need for the internet for my trip.  


-The project I thought was going to take an hour or two only ended up taking about half an hour (Movement related stuff for Inheritance.  Still need to play test it, but I don't foresee any troubles.)  

-Since that went so fast, I took the time to do a little writing for it as well.  

Wanton Cove:

-Added two more background images to the game.

-Reworked the sidebar for the game to make it display a little cleaner.  Also added the cheat menu to the sidebar for Patrons so they don't have to run to their room to use it.

Got some feedback on the blank screen in the Barmaid's Daughter.  Its not a solution, but it IS enough to give a really good idea of where the bug actually is.  Going to try running it down and fixing it a little later this evening.  If all goes well, I'll have a fix up tomorrow morning.


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