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Wanton Cove News:

-Finished up the last of the content for the next build of the game.  Sent it out to testers earlier.  First priority tomorrow will be resolving anything reported that needs fixing.  I don't foresee any issues with this build and I figure I'll give my testers a week to look over it then make a release towards the end of next week.

Girl Life submission work:

-While this does not really affect you guys directly, I finished up one of the two remaining big scenes I had promised them.  I have one more big scene and a couple of smaller scenes to write before that commitment is complete.  I hope to resolve that tomorrow.

Therapist submission work:

-Going to try starting the first big scene for this tonight.  Not sure how much progress I'll make yet.  Anyone curious about this project can find the link at the bottom of the Aftermath mission statement at the top of this page.   The game is being created by Rfpnj, who has been a huge help with my own projects by assisting with coding and testing.


-If all goes well, I'll start wading back into this tomorrow.   If not, I'll be starting work on it again next week.  Either way, next week will be focused primarily on this project.

-Sounds like the person who is helping with code (greyelf from TFGamesSite) is making headway on the code I've been hung up on, so that bodes well.  It bugs the heck out of me that I don't yet have this playable, but the up side is that every week that it takes to make it playable is another bit of content written for it in addition to the minimum I had planned to present.  Once all the code is sorted out, the rest of it should come together quickly.

And all of that in the face of taking care of sick family!  I'll call today a win.