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Been hard at work on the lab stuff for A76 for the last two weeks.  Got about 40 scenes written so far for it (Not all of which will make it into the build since we need art for some of it in the doll system.), with about a hundred to go.

Yeah, you heard that right.  A scene for each option option, for each character, . . . adds up in a hurry.

So to the meat of it:  I've bitten off more than I can chew.  I'd originally hoped to knock out all of the lab stuff in a single build, get it all up and running at once.  However with a week to go (And that week needing code work and addition of submissions to the game) and just north of 30k words behind me (I honestly expected about 30k to be enough to complete it all.  But this is a good thing since it just means I'm having more fun writing it than  I expected), there's just no way I have time to finish everything.

So what's this mean?  

As of right now (Affecting Anna, Eve, and Misaki), I've written lab content for healing items, adding a penis to those characters, removing a penis from those characters, and options for changing the hair color of all of those characters.  My goal over the next week is to add penis growth, penis shrinkage, testicle growth, and testicle shrinkage.  

Where that leaves us is needing content for vagina, breasts, eye color, skin tone, fertility adjusters, and several minor things.  

The plan:

The coming build is going to be our "Penis build."  Cock and balls, most of the hair stuff.

The second lab build will focus on Vagina, eyes, and time permitting: fertility.

The third lab build:  Breasts, nipples, and anything else that hasn't been finished yet.

Fourth lab build:  Tie up any loose ends, make sure content is locked if needed and create new content for those gaps.

Now; this is a loose plan at best.  Might be things go faster than I plan, might be things go slower.  Might even mean I take a break one build to write scenes if I need a break from the lab.  The above is more of a progression order than a timeline.

So there you have it.  Lab is turning into a much bigger project than I was anticipating, scenes are turning out to be more involved and bigger than planned, and when it's all done it's going to be a lot better because of it.

TL;DR: Just as much content as I had expected to write, smaller scope.



Was kind of hoping to similarly have the ability to use modifications on the PC themself, but I agree that this is probably a higher priority. I also personally would prioritize Mitsuko over Misaki, just because I have and like the former and have never successfully gained access to the latter, but I don’t know the logistics involved and don’t know what internal metrics you have that might be driving your decisions, up to and including what you like and have the motivation to finish. (An important variable!) I might also have misread the post, and the reason you’re apologizing is because you have done stuff for them but still feel you have to do everyone else first, in which case fair enough and sorry for the salt in the wound!


My apology is because I had originally expressed that I thought I'd knock out all, or nearly all of the lab content in a single build. As it has turned into a much larger chunk of content than anticipated, it's more likely that it will be the centerpiece of 3-4 builds in the coming months. Different authors have different characters. Mine are Anna, Eve, Misaki, Gaia, Willy, BBruce, Olivia and most of the minor characters in the game. Another author writes for Mitsuko, Claire, Cody and Red. Another writes for Jen. Another for Yami. Etc, etc. It's not uncommon for authors to write for alternate characters as the mood arises, but most of a writer's focus tends to be on the characters they personally created. All of that said, Mitsuko's author has expressed an interest in writing lab content for her, so hopefully we won't have to wait too long. If you're a member of Discord, drop us a message over there. We've got several people who would be happy to walk you through getting Misaki if the wiki isn't helping. As for the PC himself. His code is set up to allow transformations of that character to the same degree as anyone else. There are plans to allow that character to be transformed to one degree or another, and in the last couple of weeks we've spent a bit of time discussing what changes to offer, to what degree, what content in the game would need to be changed to make it happen, and when we might do it. The plan moving forward is this: Going to be focused largely on the lab stuff for 76 and 77. If I need a break from it I might write something else for one build before returning to it for the one or two builds that follow. Once the lab is done, it will almost certainly require one or two builds to write alternate sex scenes and the such to accommodate new genitalia configurations. After I feel comfortable with the new lab content and new content has been made to support it, THEN I'll move into the next bit of content. Very likely I will drop a new poll, ask what people would like to see happen next. MC transformations will be on that list along with weddings and probably most of the same options as the last poll. Hope that helped clarify things at least a little bit.