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Only going to let this one run for a couple of hours.  That way I can get to work on writing right away.

What would people like to see me work on this build?  With the Anna/Eve wedding complete, there are a lot of directions I could head next, and I don't have my heart set on doing any one thing.  Thus, I thought I'd ask all of you fine people what you'd like to see me work on next!

I am allowing multiple choices, that way you can check everything that interests you and will show where overall interest is rather than just favorites.

In the case of one of the first five options being the winner, I'll likely focus most of my writing time on that item.  In the case of anything below those, I'll more likely pick the top 2-3 options and split my time between those characters.  

I'll announce the winners in the comments below when I get ready to start writing later today.

PS:  I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas with family and friends if you celebrate the holiday, and that you had a good week if you don't.



Lets get some more gender change stuff :D


A few minutes early, but I think the results speak for themselves. As of the time of this post: 27 Lab 11 Misaki 10 Eve 9 Eve Wedding 6 Dungeon Everything else is between 3-5. So here's the plan: Going to start with Lab content. Anna, Eve, Misaki, in that order. Reactions based on relationship to each transformation as it happens. If there is time remaining after that before the next build, then I'll see about writing a scene or two for Misaki and Eve. Those scenes may or may not take transformations into account, but if they do it will likely involve sex content to accommodate any new genitalia choices.


Looks like you're getting your wish. I'll be working on the full spectrum of transformative items if time permits, starting with genitalia.


Very cool, your writing is quite thorough and entertaining.


Thank you for the kind words! About 5k words into transformation content right now, it's going to be a REALLY busy couple of weeks if I manage to knock out my entire to-do list!


I only try to be honest. Your subscription is one I can see just leaving on autopilot for years.