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Lets start with some well wishes, then move to Inheritance.  Fair enough?

The world we live in:

As we all sit cooped up in our homes these last couple of weeks, and do our best to not go stir crazy, I wish all of you the best  I hope that every one of you has the things you need, and that both you and your loved ones are safe.  

From what I've been hearing, it sounds like we might have a handle on things soon.  That doesn't mean we won't have a rocky road ahead as we pick up the pieces and move toward normalcy once again.

I for one have what I need for my family for the time being.  I even started a garden a couple of weeks ago so that if things don't get better, I have something to supplement our food with.  And even if things do get better (Which I am almost certain it will) I'll still have some fresh fruits and vegetables this summer.  (Empty milk carton, a bit of dirt, and a package of seeds is all you need to get started if any of you want to do the same.  Live plants help keep the air clean and fresh in your home if nothing else.)

I hope that all of you are doing well.  Be smart and stay safe!

The trouble with html:

Paying supporters will have noticed a, . . . .quirk, . . . in the fix builds this last week.  It would seem that the file host Patreon uses does something funky to html files which is breaking a few snips of code in Inheritance.  It looks like zipping the file protects it, but html files aren't surviving upload unscathed.  If anyone has trouble with the zipped A39b bundles, let me know, but lacking reports of problems, we are pretty sure the act of zipping the files is protecting them.

Inheritance Progress Report:

This week was much slower work wise than I would have liked, but all said and done we've still got a lot to show for it.  This bug going around has upended my schedule at home and has made it difficult to find work time.  I'm finding a balance between work and family, butI haven't quite settled into a comfortable routine yet.

The last week or so has seen the addition of around 10k words of content to Inheritance.  This includes the start of the meal time overhaul,  one middling sized scene involving Anna, Eve, and Yami, a host of new conversations between Mitsuko and Sidra, and a new Karaoke scene for Mitsuko, plus we've got dog breeding in the prototype phase.  I'd hoped to have a little more done by now, but life seems unwilling to cooperate.

What's coming down the pipe?

* Hoping to finish up the first breakfast scene related to the meal time overhaul today.

* Need to write a new torture into the Dungeon (Leaning toward tickle torture for Eve.)

* Next month's sponsored scene has been requested.  I'll likely be starting on that next week.

* One of our writers is hard at work on a fairly big scene.  If they finish it, then we'll be able to drop that into the game as soon as it's ready.



Where can we get the zipped A39b build? I can only find the individual HTML file, which has the corruption issue.


That's the cheat build (I don't have access to that), and there's no zip file on the Supporters build post (unless I'm just blind haha).


Shame on me! I just replaced the html file with the full zip. Sorry about that. https://www.patreon.com/posts/35201793