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It was just brought to my attention that at least some people are having trouble with the cheat build's sidebar.  The problem had been reported a couple of times with the standard supporter build, but since the problem was some kind of corruption error, I didn't even think to check for it in the cheat build as well.

This build should fix that oversight.   Sorry about any inconvenience.

UPDATE:  Apparently the problem is somehow in the uploading process to Patreon.  File seems fine elsewhere, original file works fine on my computer, and the problem only appears when I download the file from here.

To solve this, I uploaded the full bundle.  I have downloaded and tested this.  I saw no issues.  If anyone sees anything, let me know and I'll pass it to our coders because they're a lot smarter than I am when it comes to this kind of stuff.  



Minor bug, but it still has Climate: [email protected]@ over on the left side, under the time and year. Haven't messed around with events yet to see if they're fixed.


[email protected] showing up other places too. For example after applying fertilizer in the greenhouse, it shows "You can use this planter, some options available. That planter is [email protected]@"


Thank you. We're trying to get to the root of this. The attached file above should solve the issue for the time being, but I'm asking around about it in the hopes of learning more in an effort to avoid the issue in the future..


Thank you. We're trying to get to the root of this. The attached file above should solve the issue for the time being, but I'm asking around about it in the hopes of learning more in an effort to avoid the issue in the future..


Possibly Cloudflare (which Patreon uses) messing with the download, since it's just a html file, as part of some overaggressive privacy protection. It might be enough to just .zip it to avoid it getting messed with, which is why the full archive is fine.


I don't know enough about the process to know. It does seem like zipping it is solving the problem for the time being, so you're very likely correct.