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After a couple of days of down time after my trip (I was beat, pretty much proved myself to be useless for a couple of days.) I'm back on track and hard at work.  

After asking around a bit for suggestions among our fan base, I ended up with three fairly significant items on my list of things to do.  I had asked for scene suggestions, and in all three cases I was asked to do something that involves a new function in the game if I want to do it right.  I usually figure one new function and a couple of scenes is a pretty good week as far as work since some functions require a LOT of work to do.  I'm making a personal goal to get two functions into the game this week even after my slow start on the week.

So, what are these three new items you might ask?

1. A picnic at the pond with Anna and/or Eve.  I'm starting with a single scene for Anna (Which is a bit over half done right now.), then I'll go back and try to make additional scenes for her as well as scenes for Eve and scenes for them as a pair.  This week's goal is to get the framework in place for future expansion which I hope to do in the coming weeks.  I've also asked our other writers to consider writing content for their own characters that will be usable for this.

What this all involves:
*The scenes involve four parts, An intro, the walk to the pond, the date itself, and the walk home.  The third will be by far the largest portion of this.
*I will need to code up a random scene generator for each segment to allow the game to randomize elements of the date.
*I need to write some micro scenes that will be able to self insert into the core scene to further diversify the content.

2. A date with Anna in town.  This one is going to be a MAJOR undertaking.  Similar to the picnic content, this will be broken down into several parts, but furthermore there are going to be a LOT more options (Choice of restraunt, take her to a movie, to the park, to play pool, to the bar, etc)  I intend to start with a fairly simple set of options, then like anything else in the game expand it over time.  

What this all involves:
*Pretty much the same thing as the picnic, only instead of having four segments, this one will include somewhere between 10-20 major segments instead of just four like the picnic.

3. Make the bathing room usable (Actually the request was for scenes where you're in the bathing pool and Anna and/or Eve join you.  But since I intend to make it an interactive function similar to the sauna, I'll be doing it right by doing the whole thing.  Of the three items, this is probably the easiest one to do.

What this all involves:
*This one won't be bad.  Just 2-4 intros, some middle segments, and a couple of ending segments.

Right now I'm hoping to get the bare minimum of the first item on that list done, and get the third item done right  In addition to those, I have a couple of other things I want to accomplish as well but I'll talk more about that when I get there.

As of right now, we've got right about 5k words of new content ready to go into the game this week.  Add that to the content from last week (I think it was somewhere just shy of 10k words, but I'd have to check to be sure.) and we're shaping up to have a pretty decent new build!


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