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Got more done this last week than I had expected to.  And there's actually quite a bit new for the game in this build,

This build includes a new short story in the theater, two new interactive scenes, about half a dozen or so smallish scenes, and a major rebuild of most of Anna's events along with about 35 smaller pieces of content related to that.  Anna can now have her period, which takes us one step closer o pregnancy related content.

IMPORTANT:  I only attached the html to this post since there are no new images in this build.  You can drop the html file into your game folder where your A27 html is and play the game normally using the new file.  If you do NOT have the previous version, you can either download the most recent official release, or drop me a message and I'll see about getting it to you some other way.


* Wrote and added one new bed time scene related to Anna.  Anna Bed Scene 3.  .4k words of content.

* Wrote and added a short story for Claire to Theater Mode.  Claire Origins 1.  While this scene is available for all supporters online, you will need the Cheat Build to access it in-game. 1.9k words of content.

* Wrote and added a series of seven ambient scenes with Misaki discussing her sex drive with other members of the household.  Somewhat rare to trigger, but they appear in many of the rooms in the house which should help balance that.  1.5k words of content.

* Wrote and added a new bit of code for Anna's scenes that will allow us to work a wide range of content into existing scenes, this content currently includes periods, some little snips with Mully, some personalization for scenes based on who else might be present, and some weather related content.  I refer to these scenes as "Insert Scenes" since they are micro-scenes that are inserted into larger scenes.  I added these for Anna's work related scenes inside of the mansion for now, but once we've had a chance to properly test everything I'll start expanding into other places, characters, and times.

* Wrote and added two generic Insert Scenes to the game.  .1k words of content.

* Wrote and added eight Insert Scenes for Anna related to her working.  .2k words of content.

*Added nine Insert Scenes for Anna related to having  her period.  These were written some time ago and we've just now started to get the code set up to support periods which takes us one step closer to pregnancy.  .4k words of content.

* Wrote and added two Insert Scenes for Anna and Eve related to work hours.  .1k words of content.

* Wrote and added one Insert Event for Anna, Eve, and Mully related to work hours. .1k words of content.

* Wrote and added five Insert Events for Mully.  .2k words of content.

* Wrote and added eight Insert Events related to weather, time of day, and seasons.  .2k words of content.

* Added a new scene for Claire where she texts you.  This currently appears with an VERY small chance in EVERY location in the mansion and on the grounds.  In the future this will be expanded to other locations.  .2k words of content submitted by Irish Major Tom.

* Added a new scene for Bubbles, Maki, and Mitsuko that can play out different depending on if you've used the lab to fix Bubbles' nerve damage.  The ability to use the lab is still not in the game, but the alternate version of the scene will become available once it is.  2.7k words of content submitted by LFN Park.

* Had a huge number of spelling errors reported by a fan of the game.  All reported issues have been addressed.

* Updated the Special Thanks area 4/18/19.  If you think you belong on this list but your name isn't there, please let me know so I can get it fixed.

What to expect this coming week:
*I am collaborating a new set of four scenes with LFN Park right now.  I'm actually putting the final touches on the first one right now and hope to knock out the second some time this week.
*Going to try knocking out a couple of interactive scenes this week.  I don't have anyone specific in mind, so if any of you wants to suggest a character, say something in the comments below and I'll write something for them.  First three to comment goes on the list.  If you just want a character, say so, if you have a scene idea feel free to run it past me and we'll iron out some details and I'll get to work.
*There's a good chance I'll be working on some pregnancy related content.  I'm really itching to get to work on that and would love to get some early work ready for the game for when we finalize the function that will track pregnancy progression.
*I should be seeing some images for the game this week.  I'll be adding anything I receive as I see it.


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