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Since I didn't post much over the last couple of days, I thought I'd take the time to update you on what's been going on and what's on the horizon.

As I mentioned a few days ago, we have a new coder helping out with the project.  TheMadExile has been making some significant improvements to the game's mechanical side of things.  They've also been helping get me up to speed on all of the changes taking place, which is a huge plus.

My time is going to be a little limited today, but what time I have will be spent familiarizing myself with the new way of doing things.  

Tomorrow will be spent writing content for the game, my hope is to finish up the interactive scene I started the other day, then maybe write another.  

After that, the poll for what I will be working on will determine which project I'll be working on.  Wed & Thur should both be good work days since I shouldn't have many distractions those days.  

Will keep you all posted on progress!


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