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First off, I took another peek at the poll results this morning.  Looks like Wanton Cove just overtook Inheritance as the top item people want me to work on.

Its clear to me that the poll for what to work on went over very well.  Because of this, I'm thinking about making this a weekly thing.  I've been in a position to work on projects 3-4 days a week most weeks recently.  I'm thinking that I'll continue working on one project one week, then swapping to the other the next like I've always done, but I'll also be putting up a poll for Patrons like the last one.  The idea will be to invest all but one day into a set project like I always have, then let the poll decide where I invest my time on that last day.  For example:  Next week will be a Wanton Cove week.  I'd spend three days working on Wanton Cove, then the poll would determine what I spend that last day working on.  It may be more Wanton Cove, it may be Inheritance, it may be something else, it would be your votes that would decide.  Make sense?


Today was supposed to be a Wanton Cove work day.  I wrote about 1000 words of content (About a third of the scene) for Lady Anne that will start to open up some naughtyness for her.  I also took a little time to map out how the remainder of the scene will play out.

New Wanton Cove build will go up tomorrow, likely in the afternoon some time.  The content I wrote today will not appear in tomorrow's release, but in the following release instead.

I may have a little more time to work on this today, but its looking unlikely at the moment.  If I do, I'll continue work on the scene I started today.


Wasn't planning to work on Inheritance today, but sometimes being the head of a project takes precedence over what you have planned.

Not sure if I mentioned it or not, but a couple of days ago, one of our three Inheritance artists contacted me to let me know that they are busier than they had anticipated and wont have time to work on Inheritance for the foreseeable future.  I confess that I was disappointed, but I am thankful that the artist was kind enough to let me know, and I wished them the best of luck in heir future endeavors.  I also told them to reach out to me if anything changes for them and that if we're looking for an artist in the future we'd be happy to have him back.

Now, the wonderful thing about the above situation is that when I messaged the other two artists about this development, BOTH of them were quick to step up and offer to help fill the void the missing artist caused.  I was very pleased to see them both step up like that and the excitement they seem to have for working on the project.  

Because of all of that, I ended up spending a couple of hours last night, as well as an hour or more this morning, putting together some information for the Inheritance artists as we redistribute the work load and I get them some information that they have requested (Room descriptions, photo samples for certain elements that will appear in the game, etc).

Earlier today, I sent them a fill breakdown for one of the locations in the game, along with some imagery and the room description.   I'm waiting to hear back from them about how I formatted everything to see how well it works for them, but assuming the way I presented the information is intuitive, then I'll likely be spending a couple of hours this evening putting together several more bundles the same way.


Now, going to put together a couple more art breakdowns for the $10 backers, then get back to work until I have to leave in a little while!


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