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Got a new build for all of you.

Some notes:

-This build includes a major rebuild of the movement system in the game.

-This build includes multiple spelling and grammar fixes.

-This build does NOT include any significant new content.

For those of you who have played the last version of the game and want another look or to play test, I hope you enjoy the game.  For those of you who have not yet played the game, you're in for a real treat, the game includes an interactive intro, several dozen rooms to explore, and several ambient events for each room in the game.  

Grayelf, who is the talented coder helping with this project, is working on the NPC mechanics for the game.  Once that is complete, there's been a TON of content already written that can be added to the game.  When that happens, the game will enter active development with regular updates.



Hell, I'll play it again. This is the main reason I'm sticking around here anyways.


I'm working on it as I am able! Glad to see that you're excited for the project. I can hardly wait until the NPC code is completed so I can start working on it regularly!


I really enjoy the characters in this and while I really like your other project (wanton cove) this is what probably pushed me over to actually donating to you, I just wish I could donate more but sadly at the moment I currently am unable to. I feel like your work should be getting more attention than it has, to me these two projects could be just as good if not better than what Corruption of Champions and Trials in Tainted space are, not to say I don't really enjoy those (because I do) I hope the best for you and what your working on. And if I may throw in my two cents on the matter I hope you focus more on just the story parts of this game compared to wanton cove or something like trials in tainted space which is more about wandering around and discovering new things, I usually like roaming around in these types of games but if I had the option of roaming around the mansion with small scenes added into it or having it be more like a choose your own adventure book like how it is in the intro but with more dialogue and character development, I would pick the latter. Again, just my two cents but I think more people would like to further the story and characters of this game than to wander around, at least at this early stage of development. Thanks for making these text adventures that I can enjoy.


Very high praise indeed! I really enjoy Corruption of Champions, and though I enjoy TiTS, I have never really fallen in love with it the same way. The idea with Inheritance is to largely create a sandbox setting where you can live life day by day how you see fit. That said, I also intend to write small story arcs and such as well. Its not the kind of game that will really have an "End" though stories within the setting will have their own endings. So you can probably expect some kind of middle ground in that regard. Characters however will have their behavior affected a great deal by their character development. Its my pleasure to make games like this, BECAUSE so many wonderful people like yourself enjoy them so much!