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In Hunter x Hunter 52, Assault x And x Impact, the Zoldycks arrive to dunk on the mafia. Kurapika paces around in the hallway after a phone call x from x Gon. Bean has a big day.




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Alter Nate

About why Gon was mad (at 9:44) that one of the Troupe members was crying over Uvogin’s death. He mentioned last time too, that there is a hypocritical element to those emotions. If they understand the pain of losing someone, why couldn’t they extend that empathy to those that they’ve killed and/or will kill. That’s why he was mad, and wanted to stop them.


Voice of Chrollo sounding familiar 🤔 wonder why


The true final boss of HxH, the NYC subway system. I think it’s been mentioned before, but Chrollo shares a VA with both Okabe and Light Yagami, so bringing up the Death Note is an appropriate comparison. At one point in the manga, Shizuku actually references the Death Note by name too. Zeno talks about how Chrollo’s ability must have conditions, since it’s so strong. For some reason it never gets mentioned in the anime, but in the manga we did get the full description on his conditions. I’ll just quote the manga verbatim here: He must fulfill four requirements to steal an ability: See the ability at work with his eyes. Ask questions about Nen, and the victim responds with an answer. Place the victim’s palm on the handprint on the book’s cover. Parts A, B, and C must be completed within one hour. To use an ability, the book must be held open in his right hand to the page with the desired ability. An ability will be removed from the book when its original owner dies. Y’know maybe this is why they didn’t include any of this in the anime, it’s a bit involved. There’s actually a little more I left out, but even still it’s by far the most complicated ability yet. The important part is that he can steal and use people's abilities, the conditions are more to show that Nen that strong has major drawbacks.


A couple things I want to point out. En is what Nobunaga (The Spider's swordsman) used when Gon and Killua was escaping. It was the circle of Nen around him where he could feel anything that entered. Nobunaga at the time said he could do four meters. When Silva and Zeno were walking up the stairs, Zeno said he'd have to cover each floor with En. Silva said that's at least 100 meters, and Zeno replied that he could do three times that. I also love that this whole part of the fight between those three was showing off Zeno's abundance of experience. We'd get Zeno's inner monologue as he picks apart how Chrollo is going to fight, and then each time we get Chrollo's monologue, realizing Zeno figured him out in an instant, and deciding to switch tactics. It really shows just how high of a level that the Zoldyks are operating at At the beginning of the fight, Chrollo cut Silva with what "looks to be a mid-era Ben's knife." This is the same type of knife that Gon picked out with Gyo at the market. Killua said it was made by a mass murderer. Cool little detail that it came up again.


Oh, and also when Chrollo flips open his book to use the fabric ability, you see a picture of Owl, showing that he was trying to capture the Zoldyk's with the fabric that shrinks things


He can't just ask any question about Nen, it has to be about the victim's nen ability


That's true, I figured it was implied, but that was the official translation. Probably could have been translated better tbh.


And here is Chrollos nen ability, to steal other peoples nen abilities, featuring Owl's mantle.


The book having to be open feels so draining to me for some reason. Books are cumbersome even reading in bed


I thought back to that knife but for some reason thought it wasn't the same thing

Reid Dawson

Notice the door Kurapika stopped at at 16:20. He was steps away from getting to see Chrollo, as the big booms of battle were already going off in that room as he got interrupted by the call. I cannot confirm that timeline. But either way, he’d likely have seen him.

Mike Donohue

Shalnark is unironically one of my favorite HxH characters, for exactly that sunny disposition good vibe combined with a strong aura of competence and knowledge. Anytime he's on screen, my eyes drift towards him

Mike Donohue

There's popular polls and stuff out there and he's usually one of the lesser popular troupe members on average too

Gabriel Ribeiro

There was an old fan theory that white haired Zoldycks were transmuters and black haired ones were manipulators. It was unfortunetly disproven since Togashii released a nen map showing characters categories. It turns out Both Zeno and Silva are Emitters who combine transmutation and emission in their techiniques. Maybe its more meaninful to Killua this way, since now, he seems to be the odd one out. It also matches with the metaphorical meaning of the transmutation category.


You're totally right about high-level Nen being more about deception than actual strength, you can see how essential the ability to analyze people's Nen is in the fight here. The Zoldycks spent time deciphering how Chrollo's ability works before commiting to a full-on attack. We can also see through Ugovin's fate how sheer brute strength means nothing to a co-ordinated and complex Nen ability. It flips the power scaling on it's head and makes the headstrong, brute strength chararacters who are traditionally the strongest in shounens comparatively weaker to those with more calculating and application-specific Nen abilities.


I don’t think the battle started yet. I think the booms you hear were from the explosions throughout the city, because there’s a shot of Kurapika and Nostrade reacting to Silva’s spirit bombs right at the end, and the fight couldn’t have been going on for long. Kurapika would’ve had to book it all the way back down to Nostrade to get there in time for the spirit bomb sounds if the fight had already started. I think it’s just to show that Kurapika was steps away from Chrollo and instead decided to focus on his more long term goal of getting in with the underground

enes y

The great thing about this fight is, that it actually lets you feel like as if chrollo‘s gonna turn up any moment because thats a classic anime troupe- the infamous mary jane type moment. However what HxH does so great is, that it actually defies these expectations (when you were waiting for Chrollo to regain the upper hand for example). Rather this fight demonstrates how experienced the zoldycks actually are, being able to figure out Chrollo within seconds and even having Chrollo admit that. Whenever Chrollo made a new move to re-gain the upperhand within the exchange, similar to how hisoka plays the room to stay on top, he was read like an open book by the zoldycks. This is what made hxh so special for me- it goes beyond typical shounen troupes (and there is much more coming soon ;) )

Chris Sharpe

It seems that the Zoldycks caring about money is kind of in line with what you have said about being a Jack-of-all-trades vs going hard into one path. Having nen opens up many possibilities, so it’s likely that a lot of people have the draw towards trying out a little of everything with life. The ones that have specific roles are likely not that strong. However the Zoldycks seem to be different, using the bottomless possibilities in nen to be the best at one particular thing. They are basically the kings of a seemly large and prolific industry in the world, to the point where their renown is known across the globe with no distinction of borders. Also, I just realized Kurapika might be younger than Neon.


One thing to consider about money in HxH's world is that in a world with mysterious treasures, magical beasts, and superhumans for hire, there are going to be items and services worth far more than anything in real life. Considering there are Hunters who have their whole profession based around finding these items and magical beasts and the fact that most of the top 100 richest people are Hunters, I think there may be a step above the typical elite of our own world where the utility of unfathomable amounts of money moves away from vanity projects and actually skyrockets again.


Super late comment, but I believe Gon's reasoning was said out loud in the episode he got mad in. Basically, he has a lower opinion of the Troupe after they grieved their friend's death because it shows they're people with in-tact emotions, instead of murder-machine psychopaths. The fact that they can callously kill people even when they have their own people that they care about is what Gon finds so unforgivable.