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In Hunter x Hunter 50, Ally x And x Sword, Gon and Killua join the Phantom Troup for a fun-filled day of 20 questions, arm wrestling, and hide and go seek. Hisoka reveals his preference for Gon over Killua.




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Gabriel Ribeiro

Trivia from the manga: Franklin didn't really need to cut off the tip of his fingers, he only felt it would make his ability stronger, and, it did.


The scene where Killua figures it out is around 4:20 (har har). I really need to get a clip of the room breakout scene to use as an example of haragei to explain to others (basically that thing where you are able to communicate something to a specific target using only silence or ambiguous clues that other people couldn't possibly understand).


Two things I love this episode: seeing how much Nobunaga cared for Uvo, and Gon and Killua’s relationship. Hearing Gon tell Killua so boldly what the dynamics of their relationship are would almost seem 4th wall breaky, except that it’s Gon that’s saying it. You joked about Shizuku vacuuming her brain when she couldn’t remember the arm wrestling, but I honestly don’t think that’s too far off. It’s never been confirmed as far as I know, but a common theory is that her short term memory loss was a condition she set to give her vacuum power. It’s an incredibly unique ability, with some wild potential. Plus, she’s a conjurer, so it’s likely she was making use of conditions already. A while ago in the manga there was a page that listed the rankings of the Phantom Troupe in terms of arm wrestling abilities, so I figured now would be a good time to share it. Uvogin Phinks (tracksuit guy) Hisoka Franklin Feitan (Levi lookin/ torture guy) Machi Chrollo Bonolenov (mummy lookin dude) Nobunaga Shalnark (Armin lookin one) Pakunoda (Annie lookin one) Shizuku Kortopi (Cousin Itt looking dude)


27:00 "He's never had to do a direct life or death combat situation for Gon and that nags on him" Remember that Killua believed Illumi was going to kill Gon if Killua didn't fight and beat him in the hunter exams. Illumi spelled it out as 'If you move, the fight will begin. And if I win, I will kill Gon' so that Killua's only option to save Gon's life was to fight AND win against his older brother. Killua surrendered instead, fully believing that Illumi would kill Gon. So it's not that he's never had that situation and it nags on him. It's that he's ALREADY failed that situation, and it nags on him


The situation is mirrored when Hisoka has the card to Killua's neck. If Gon gets in serious trouble, can Killua really move to help him or will he stand there and watch it happen to guarantee his own life? Killua's also asking himself that

Sam B

Alex, at 4:32 in this vid is when Killua first pieces the Kurapika/Chain-user connection together.

Chris Sharpe

Your ability to detect character intentions and predict their actions is honestly a little surreal. But definitely shows that you and HxH are a match made in heaven. I actually think you and Togashi, the manga writer, have very similar personalities. At the very least I feel you would resonate with a lot of his ways of seeing the world and lines of reason based on all I’ve seen from him.

Anya Mcghee

my excuse to avoid homework is here!


Wow Hisoka surprisingly high. This is the kind of Hunter cyclopedia I want to see


There are so many details in this show that play to my specific tastes so that feels right 😂

Emman Reed

Really good to have you back Mr Goodwin. The more I watch these reactions to hxh the more I respect Togashi for subverting every single joke/expectation and prediction Mr Goodwin makes. I don't think Mr Goodwin is going to expect how much greatness can be squeezed out from this series. Enjoying it a lot and hoping there is more this week!


Are the steins gate reactions dropping too?

Wolfy Fiorini

For me this episode is beyond tense and suspenseful. Like, the protagonists are stuck in the HQ of the baddest bad guys around, they have no help coming, the bad guys have a reputation for killing people for no other reason than "it seemed fun", and we know for sure that they could kill the Gon and Killua without breaking a sweat. When Nobunaga asks if they want to die then or later, it didn't feel like a petty threat at all. I was freaking out because I couldn't think of any way they could get out of there alive and I was just WAITING for one of the troupe to snap. Like Killua said, imagine that they were in a room with 10 Hisokas who have decided they should kill you a bit later. Scary stuff!