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In Steins Gate episode 13, Metaphysics Necrosis, Okaba dooms some poor train-loving kid to a Groundhog Day where he repeatedly gets dunked on by his mom.




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Great video! Really hope you'll pick up with Steins;Gate 0 after finishing this.


Random note the phone sound in this anime never fails to trick me to thinking my own phone is vibrating. This is what happens when you give someone with a 0 communications score the ability to time travel. It's also sad how Mayuri has the emotional intelligence to know something is wrong but is so confused on what every time.


I’m sure he will, I just rewatched season 1 boutta restart 0. After that he should watch the S1 episode 25 special to conclude everything


Like he said, unlike DMail, there is no timeline change. And no merging of timelines either. Consciousness leap is more actual time travel. He infused his 17:00 o'clock self with the knowledge and experiences of his 20:00 o'clock self. Then, when he does it again (carrying over ALL 17:00-20:00 different scenarios). Makise said that the max time they can go back to is 48 hours, if I remember correctly. I don't know why he's hesitating and not giving himself maximum time (though, apparently, it wouldn't matter in this timeline). Mayuri's hostage situation must be upgraded. I'd need a small metal circlet, around finger-diameter, with a high-pressurized solidified form of carbon on it. Tuturus for life. So, about the previous episode's weird sequence: 1. It could be a dream influenced by all the worldline jumping, 2. It could be a Reading Steiner glitch, like, at some worldline, thy really did mess up and ended 70 million years ago. I think general consensus is that it's something as simple as one of the two. However, with the way the story's going, I've found a couple (perhaps unintentional) similarities with the following: 3. Plato's Theory of Forms. Mayuri says that they are one of million other Mayuris but "could be the original". Plato said that there's a higher world of ideas that everything has its original there, no matter what form it takes. There are hundreds of different-looking types of chair, for example, but when someone tells you "I bought a chair", your mind thinks of THE chair with all the properties expected of a chair (3-4 legs minimum, certain height from ground level, being able to sit on). 4. Fate. We've jumped worldline changing fate before with the DMail, but Time Leap does not change worldlines. And we see that in a worldline, the fate of the person remains the same. In 0.33-something%, which I believe is where we are, the World kills Mayuri on 13/Aug at 20:00, despite of the million different iterations Okabe tries.


THANK YOU I always felt the same about Mexican standoffs


Do you think we all have different amounts of “consciousness” or does consciousness function more as an on/off switch where you either have it or you don’t? Or maybe we’re all connected to a singular consciousness


I see it as more of a spectrum where various elements contribute to a push toward greater "awareness." Just examples that come to mind: - greater presence of thought and reflection behind actions - increased understanding of your inner workings, the fact that emotions don't have to be acted upon, and that thoughts can be influenced with practice - understanding of complexity, depth of critical thinking and nuance etc


My theory is that we don’t have souls, just pure awareness. Sure we have different levels of it, but does that mean the awareness we receive at birth can grow on earth and be bigger when we die? Assuming that our awareness transcends death. Imagine the point of our lives was just to make our awareness bigger so when we die it returns to its “source” and makes the source bigger. Or maybe it really is an on/off switch where different brains can utilize it better but we all have the same quantity, I can’t imagine quantifying something so complex either way


Your talk about Heidegger and that philosophy took me straight back to FMAB's "one is all, all is one". I don't know if it was the first time you'd talked about this topic on the channel, but it's the first I remember at least. At the time it was a viewpoint I hadn't ever thought about, and while I still couldn't really put my thoughts on it into words completely, it's something that has fascinated me ever since then.