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In Steins Gate episode 14, Physically Necrosis, Okabe channels Bill Murray and tries to end the time loop by having a perfect day.




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It's interesting how butterfly effect kind of has a limit in this setting. Because some things just converged to always happen on a worldline. Apparently, Akihabara having Hawks and Endeavor merch is not a canon event. How rude of faith. It's also odd to think only certain events are big enough to change these world lines. And even then changing world lines is only like a rerandomizer event for these convergent events, like Mayuri's death. So theoretically you could change to one and she happens to die there also in a year or live to be 100, there is no way of knowing. And you put in so much work just for this re randomization of convergent points. At least how I understand it.


It's so complicated to try to conceptualize from this point. There are so many possibilities, I can't decide if new information is making it easier or harder 😂 But we'll see

Chris Sharpe

Honestly, I was confused on how Okabe was able to keep getting away and using the time leap machine… until I considered that him doing that might also be a canon event, which ruined my day.


That's an interesting theory. It's possible that he just got lucky a bunch of times I guess, but you figure over a long enough timeline something happens where a time leap becomes impossible


"Five hours ago, I won't remember that you called me Kurisu". Isn't that exactly what Mayuri said ~4 episodes ago, with Okabe retaining his memories but no one else knowing what had transpired? That he's getting further away and it's sad. I don't think there're infinite attractor fields. Like Suzuha said, these are only around major events. Something like A. Alexander the Great does not become king B. Julius Caesar does not get murdered C. The 1st Crusade never happens D. The Confederates win the Civil War. And there's only so much one person can influence. Even if he went to the past, would he be able to change the outcome of any of these? Only by chance, like how in this series (I won't spoil it yet).

Sam B

I get a feeling Makise gave Okabe that secret phrase that she seemed to think was slightly embarrassing so that her past/alternate time-line self would know that she opened up to Okabe to that level in the future/prime timeline. On top of it detecting Okabe's truths, it felt like it was a self-admission that she genuinely likes him and can cut through the facades to a degree.

Sam B

She would have eventually realized the same thing in that alternate timeline, but her giving him that passphrase seems like it could have shifted them into a more endearing sub-branch of the infinite timelines.


Kurisu inspiring Okabe by doing his mad scientist bit is one of my favorite moments of the whole show. It was already evident that she cared a lot about them, but that gesture was something only someone who truly cares about you would do.