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In Steins Gate episode 12, Dogma in Ergosphere, Okabe gives up time travel and finally gets a good reason to time travel.




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In Steins Gate episode 12, Dogma in Ergosphere, Okabe gives up time travel and Moeka decides she'd heard enough tuturus. What an end to the first half of the show. It will never not be painful watching Mayuri get shot in the head, but seeing Okabe's reaction hurts me too much. If only he had the lightsaber he apparently made at the ready.


Your point about this technology seemingly always eventually being discovered reminds me somewhat of a quote from arcane, "weapons can't be unmade, and they are always used" and especially considering that it's time travel the fact that it can exist probably means that it always exist to some extent.


And the plot escalated a tiny bit. lol It's going to be hard to wait a week for the next episode. Poor Mayuri the perfect victim. So innocent and just never even wanted them to do the time travel. She just wants lots of friends and everyone to get along.


Yeah hard to fully wrap my mind around because who really knows what would happen but... I lean on the side of potential.


She was asking for it! Being so kind, innocent, and happy in anime. Always a bad sign


Things just got real, real fast. My favourite part of the story from now on


"Children and fools speak the truth." "[..] And a little child shall lead them." Okabe and Makise agree that Mayuri is the wisest of them. Now that we have time leap, the lab members better make sure Mayuri hasn't ru'ed her last tutu. She's still a hostage, she can't leave Okabe yet, it's against the rules. Did this all happen because Moeka didn't get the Mayuri-tour of the lab, and the Upa-special bonus after it was retconned by the D-Mail? P.S. I have a couple thoughts with regards to the surreal first scene of the show, but I think I'll share them with next episode.


Okabe's (or rather Kyouma's) goal is to introduce chaos to the world and be a mad scientist/dictator with the help of his inventions. I don't know, he's like 19-20, right? At some point we HAVE to call him out for being incredibly stupid despite his intelligence and charisma and despite him being the protagonist. Makise's goal is just the advancement of science. She also bears much of the blame but she's both younger and she's tunel-visioned harder than Okabe. Daru raising the death flag (I'm gonna retire and get married): lmao Mayuri raising the death flag (It's Ok if I'm not your hostage anymore, right?): T_T What is the purpose of Moeka's leather/latex catsuit? Is she really into motorcycles? Has SERN's dystopia banned all media (a la Equilibrium) except Batman movies and people think that's how the world was? Her henchmen are wearing Hawaiian shirts and cargo shorts...

Chris Sharpe

Okabe is actually 18 as well. Not sure why she said she was younger. Maybe they are a few months apart, maybe she was just using it as an excuse. I know there are levels of seniority in Japan separate from age but it’s difficult to pinpoint. Kurisu is “the assistant”, but doesn’t accept it, so it wouldn’t be that. Maybe because Okabe owns the lab. Maybe she would be a high school third year if she wasn’t a genius and skipped a lot of grades, while Okabe had just graduated so he would be a “year” older (especially since he was in the same class as Daru, who is 19), but she also graduated university at 17 so I don’t know.

Chris Sharpe

Honestly, people keep saying that the first half of the show is the part you have to get through to get to the “good part” but the first part with the slice of life, humor, drama, and tension I find immensely enjoyable. Most importantly the second half would not be half as good as it is without it, with the plot seeds and emotional connections established. With someone as invested and intrigued as you were in the first half, I have no doubt the second part will be immensely powerful for you (I have similar feelings in regards to you and early HxH).