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In Hunter X Hunter 39, Nen × Users × Unite?, Kurapika abandon's Ryu to start his solo trip with Zuko. Nen is life, the Hunter Exam is life, the job search is a real job search: salty recruiters, not needing the degree you just worked hard to get, unpaid internships, employers making you fight to the death...




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Jason Serrano

You really got those silhouettes the first time LOL most of the time it just goes over people's heads

Chris Sharpe

We are finally in Yorknew, one of the best arcs in the series that has been praised by fans for many years. Absolutely stoked.


"Does he carry this in his satchel?" Caught me so off guard that I was cracking up


the next 10 or so episodes are my favorites of the show. So much packed into them and for me it was really when i started to love HxH. Can't wait!


I'm currently playing through the classic God of War games for the first time, and I'm on the PSP game Chains of Olympus at the moment. Seems I can't escape chains in the media I'm consuming currently, and both Kurapika and Kratos' stories deal with revenge. Maybe chains are the problem lol.


To clarify a couple things about Kurapika. He IS the last Kurta, so there's nobody left to kill for red eyes besides him. He's trying to get a job with a collector, not an actual murderer (morality about being the market for that aside). The other thing to keep in mind that I see a lot of people forget at this point is that his objective is two-fold. To get revenge on the Phantom Troupe, AND to collect all his clan's eyes, which probably have already been sold off and are all over the place by now. Both of those things are equally important, but both also have the potential to lead him down a very dark road


Yorknew is upon us, lessgoo

Wolfy Fiorini

Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how you look at it), Kurapika won't need to worry about anyone killing his clan members for their eyes in the future. When he talked about his backstory, he mentioned that The Phantom Troupe wiped out every last one except for him - that's why he's so hellbent on revenge. Really liked the reaction, idk how I didn't catch the symbolism of Kurapika literally chaining himself down with his quest for revenge lol. Especially with with the teacher pretty much spelling it out for us, it seems so obvious now. I must have been too focused on how badass Kurapika looks now haha!


1) I think this might be a good time to mention Kurapika's name. "Kura" (暗、dark) + "pika" (shiny). There's different possible interpretations of that: shining a light on the dark underbelly of the world, or maybe his two alternate personalities, or just a literal play on the bright eyes in the dark pupils, and so on, but that's where the name comes from. 2) The poet is named Basho, like the famous haiku poet Matsuo Basho. (Basically, if Japanese people know of one haiku poet, it's likely to be Basho). His first line in response to the police is actually a 5-7-5 haiku itself, hahaha. (Meigetsu ya / ore no shigoto o / jama suru na -> the moon is beautiful, so do not interrupt my work). Many of his lines are in 5-7-5 timing. 3) Might be too late to comment on this but I was moved and intrigued by the story of high school Goodwin meeting with a guru.

Brandon Rowe

I always appreciate your ability to read the symbolism and themes. There are so many viewers that champion Kurapika's goal blindly, falling in love with the vengeance. It really is terrible that he is going down such a dark path. Note: enjoyed your Zuko line.


YORKNEW ARC Here we come!!! :D


Love this Arc kurapika goated


It's a bit unclear to me whether the eyes must be detached (or attached to a head without a body). It could be that Kurapika can just go to the boss and say "I've got a pair of Kurta eyes". The quest is to find them, right? Not hand them over. Is it just me or does the voice doesn't seem to fit the short, bald, beaver-toothed guy? It seems to belong to a female, or a very young guy. Is it a hunter that can use Nen to change their body like Killua's brother? I'm gonna spoiler myself and look it up.


Too late. I think it wasn't such a huge thing to know about, hence why I did it. I was half-right, in a way, the problem was that I know Japanese cast female voice actors for male characters sometimes, so I could've been 100% mistaken, but this one sounded especially [not] trying to sound like a man.


What you are talking about in regards of stepping out of your category and learning others instead is exactly what Kastro tried to do. And that's why he lost to Hisoka. He didn't maximize his potential because he was too fixated on an ability from another category. But as you said, as long as you have your eyes open and are doing it consciously, then go for it if it pulls at you.