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In Steins Gate episode 10, Chaos Theory Homeostasis III...

Non-cannon things that can be changed: Akihabara, physical sex, stalking, closet kisses, Daru's social life

Cannon things that cannot be changed: the lab, the crash, Ruka's beauty, poverty (apparently), Okabe sucking at Yugioh

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!! In ep. 1, the satellite doesn't crash, it lands on the roof. It's kind of important to remember as a viewer, since it's the very first change we are made aware of in the show !! A noticeable 7% jump with one small (he probably sent it back just 1 day) DMail. Also, perfectly depicts the problems with carrying over your previous memories and not knowing what you did in the new timeline. Good for him to take image & video evidence for reviewing and acclimating himself with the new reality. Probably a good idea to make it a habit (so all versions of him do it), taking evidence of what he did, where he went, what he said, all the time. It's silly to say that the change in Ruka's mother's diet affected Ruka's sex. We don't even know if she followed the instruction. But it goes to show that an event that has a binary outcome with equal chances could super easily change by the DMail. Ruka's the youngest character, I think, so the DMail would not have affected anyone else except... imagine if suddenly Mr Braun had a son instead of a daughter... or if Suzuha was a guy (it's not a spoiler at this point that she's from the future, so her birth came after Ruka's).

Chris Sharpe

Okabe, buddy, you are one my favorite protags ever, but you deserve some fucking jail time with that whole Ruka situation.

Chris Sharpe

Crackhead time travel theory I’ve had for years: When people are originally conceived, two haploid cells are needed (as we know). Well, male haploid cells vary greatly, meaning a different one can mean a completely different child. With such a tiny margin for error, just shoving someone to the ground in the past can make it to where they have a different child ten years later. And the reactions of the others who saw it would cause the same thing in them. This would eventually cause a ripple effect creating an entirely new generation, with different scientists, dictators, and celebrities, and an entirely different history.


Oh okabe. You keep digging wholes.


It's kind of amazing how the show keeps building tension under the surface. You can feel something is wrong, even though most things are still fine and moving along. Anyway, tuturuuu and Happy New Year!


Yeah even a 1 second difference anywhere in either of the parents' lives creates a totally different child, if there's a child at all. Makes you think what a miracle it is to be alive


Happy new year to everyone!


I like that you point out that Okabe often leans on his persona when he is unsure of himself or what to do next. It's one of the many reasons I find him to be such an interesting protagonist, and it really makes the moments like the one with Kurisu this episode stand out. It also hurts to watch as the whole latter half of the episode is basically undone, at least the way it happened on screen, after Okabe sends another d-mail. Something kinda sad to think about is that while with every d-mail many memories are now only known to Okabe, the same is true of the opposite. Since Okabe maintains his memories on each world line, he lacks the ones his other self would have had on whatever world line he ends up on.