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In Steins Gate episode 7, Divergence Singularity, Hououin discovers the messiah starter pack: god complex, supreme powers, poverty.




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I find it funny that the only reason Okabe didn't win the lotto was because Ruka messed up a number, and not that his past self didn't believe it. Okabe is just crazy enough to at least ask someone to buy a specific lotto for him when he gets a random text telling him to do so.


Trying to put myself in that situation (and jokes aside) I feel like I would absolutely buy a lotto ticket if I got a message from "my future self." You gotta at least go with it for the story, and Okabe definitely has that narrative flare

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Ohhh good ep 🖤🖤🖤


I think what else is scary and lonley is that Okabe can't remember the new timelines. Just think of all the slightly altered events his friends remember that he can't over the past week since he received those lotto numbers. Like with the doctor pepper now being there. It's pretty terrifying considering how much every little moment effects your relationships with your social group and if that is out of sync who knows. And this was a relatively small alteration.


Imagine Okabe the only one who remembers Tutturu. Truly the worse timeline.

Chris Sharpe

Honestly, much like Okabe, this whole thing seems surreal to many of the viewers. It is just a bunch of lab members messing around, never leaving their lab or their little corner of the world, inventing time travel with a microwave. But we see the subtle effects of the time changing and these messages that leave us unnerved and anxious.


The suspense is an underrated aspect of this anime


Tuturuu~ Mayuri: "We should work towards bringing about world peace". Mayuri will be the one to cause the dystopian future confirmed (?) SUPER IMPORTANT (I think) detail: After sending the DMail with the Lotto numbers, the Okabe who did the experiment, and remembers the experiment, and had carrot juice, is "entered" into the reality wherein he received the DMail, gave the Lotto numbers to Ruka and had DrPepper, but he doesn't remember doing any of that (because, in actuality, [HE] didn't). This would create huge discrepancies in experiences between himself and everyone else with regards to anything that happened to that second reality. "Listen, Okabe! Beyond these lab walls.." "Beyond these walls lies Divergence Point 1%. And beyond that, there are more people who don't have a Mayuri to heal them. Say... John... if we bring an Upa cushion to everyone beyond Divergence Point 1%, will we finally be truly free in the new utopia?"


unrelated but man you watching psycho pass would change so many lives


I believe that in reality, a very many inventions an discoveries were made like that. Some of them, sure, the person had a general idea what they were looking for an trying some stuff, but there have been discoveries, medicines and technology which came by complete chance. Fun fact: The microwave oven was invented because someone was making radar equipment.


Like you said, it's crazy to imagine how many things could have changed. Okabe gets the DMail. He tells Ruka to buy a Lotto ticket. Ruka goes to wherever they go to buy Lotto tickets from. Some guy sees him. He falls in love with him, not knowing Ruka is a guy. He follows Ruka and finds out he's a guy. He starts questioning his sexuality and talks about it to his wife. His wife gets mad, she takes the kids and leaves to go back to her hometown. Couple days later, our guy receives divorce papers in the mail. Now the whole neighbourhood knows what transpired. He leaves town, in shame, abandoning his business, which happens to be a local mini-market. Later on, Kurisu goes shopping but the usual place she visits is closed. So she has to go to another market 20' down the road. A place that is not out of Dr Peper.


Beyond divergence 1% is true freedom, which as we know, can only be accomplished by the complete and total eradication of all current and possible enemies beyond the walls