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In Steins Gate episode 1, an intense university student is launched on a confusing adventure through time where only one thing is clear: the key to saving humanity is Dr. Pepper.




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I've watched this anime in sub only so far, but the people talking about the dub have made me curious, so I plan to rewatch it in dub now. Please consider checking out (just for yourself) the english Dub as well to see how you like it, for at least one ep. Apparently this anime was translated into dub with conscious intent to better relate to English speaking audiences (with jokes and stuff). Excited to see your reactions!


Can't wait for all your thoughts on this. I actually watched this for the first time a couple months ago, so I'm coming into this pretty fresh. If you pay EXTREME attention, you could probably sus it out in one watch through, but it's much better to watch it a second time. As someone who has watched both the sub and dub, I can say that for me, the dub was much easier to understand what's going on(not a complaint, just my opinion). Can't wait for more!

Big Fuze

Hi ! Im curious how have you travels been ? I hope in the future I get to see much more of the world


It seems like I'll have to watch twice so makes sense to watch it in dub the 2nd time


They've been great, though for the past few months I've just been traveling through Korea (not counting a trip home to the US). My next "visa run" will be in January and I'm trying to figure out where to go


Clicked on vid faster than speed of light

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Chris Sharpe

Starting new shows on the channel is always a treat because one of these 3 ends up being true for me. A: I’ve seen the show and voted for it because I love it and love the reactions straight away, B: I’ve seen it, but voted/hoped for something else and my appreciation is deepened as I rewatch and think about it, C: It’s a new show I get to watch and experience for the first time.

Chris Sharpe

Also the opening is a bop, whenever it plays, anyone that doesn’t at least tap their foot to it is a psychopath. Edit: Also, Okabe is one of my favorite protagonists. So many other characters, especially Mayuri, are also very endearing.


To think, after all this time you'd end up watching my two favorite shows, HxH and Steins;Gate at the same time. So to start, both Steins;Gate and its successor Steins;Gate 0 are adapted from a visual novel, unlike most anime being adapted from a manga. As you might imagine, that format lent itself quite well to a story of this nature. I haven't finished either visual novel myself, but the anime did an amazing job of adapting the story. A neat real life tie-in is the "Titor" person that Okabe called the professor out on for plagiarism, is actually a real person who posted on online forums during the early 2000's. He claimed to be a real time traveler from the future who had a whole bunch of predictions and theories to share. Definitely don't google him though, because it's pretty likely you'll get spoilers for the show. I'm beyond excited to watch through this show again, and I hope you enjoy it! Crack open a Dr. Pepper and let's get this going!


HACKING TO THE GATE! Honestly one of my favorite openings out there.

Vahid rahimian

Your enthusiasm for dk pepper gives me the highest hope for your enjoyment of this show 😂


The first episode of Steins;Gate is always a lot of fun to see people's reaction to. Some people definitely can get put off by the confusion of everything at first, and maybe don't really try to remember all the things that don't seem to make sense because of that. But I think this will really be a show that you come to appreciate. I can't wait for you to get further into Steins;Gate, the organization cannot be allowed to succeed. I was hoping for the dub, but I think this will just give me that much more of a reason to be excited for your inevitable rewatch. El Psy Congroo


The show throws you into the deep end, don't worry too much if you don't understand what's going on in the first episode. *It's on purpose*. You are supposed to understand (and Daru says it directly at your 16:12) that the MC "suffers" (?) or at least has characteristics of https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chūnibyō [OR] https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Chuunibyou I don't know if you've encountered this in any other animes you've watched. Another interesting thing is to watch for the MC's change in voice tone and when he switches from Japanese to English (or Engrish). Finally, the show is very contemporary with the times it was written and aired. It's overly '00s-'10s. The technology, pop culture, the memes, the meme lingo, the 'chan references, they're all there (2D, mai waifu, "fail" etc etc).


Oooh I’m so pumped to see you react to this, try not to overthink the first few episodes too much and just allow the chaos to propagate. I think things start to fit together pretty organically as you progress. Also, curious to know if you will be watching Steins gate Zero as well?


I'm not really sure what it is at this point to be honest :) It will depend on how things go