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In Hunter X Hunter 20, Some × Brother × Trouble, Killua can't 10 points for Gryfindor his way out of murder.




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Crazy twist imo

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This ep 😔


ahhh yes... my weekly therapy sessi... i mean anime reaction video😅 (loving the reactions 💗)

Lofi Tech

This episode is definitely dark. At this point it's become pretty clear that the reason for a lot of Killua's behavior over the last 19 episodes is the result of being abused.

Ruma Risto

This is by far my favorite episode of the hunter exam arc. A show that initially seemed very mellow and kid-friendly surprised me with how realistically it portrayed child abuse and emotional manipulation. Up until this point I was like 95% sure Killua would turn out to be a villain or at least a rival to Gon but instead we saw how horribly this poor boy has been treated by his manipulative, dysfunctional family.


Even if all of us here pool our money together, we still won't be able to afford to just buy a hunter license lol. So, I don't think that's an option for most of us.

Ruma Risto

Illumi said "never fight an opponent you can't beat. I drilled that into you". He knew Killua wouldn't be able to fight him. By lying about killing Gon he made Killua believe that he didn't deserve Gon's friendship because in the moment of truth, he was too afraid to stand up for his friend.

Anya Mcghee

Illumi- *almost kills a guy * Alex- "I think thats illegal."

Chris Sharpe

Makes sense why Killua has such a hard time articulating Gon as his friend. The main thing is that all Killua knows is the warped concept of affection and love that his family has. Even if he had a solid idea of what love and friend was, obviously the trauma and fear of his brother would keep it down.


Something I love about Killua, is that despite how (hopefully) hard it is to relate to his background, it's surprisingly easy to relate to or at least understand him. It really is true that your upbringing, mainly your parents or whoever you find around you have a massive influence on your view of the world. It can be incredibly hard to diverge from that. A great real life example would be people that grew up Mormon, or something similar.


Hey, big fan of your videos. Finally got a little extra money to subscribe to your Patreon. I tend to make longer post but I try not to, lol. Don't feel obligated to read. I'm just passionate about what I like. Illumi: "This was just a little test, but now I have my answer" .. "You don't have the right to make friends, nor do you need friends." These words always hit me hard because it's so clear that Killua is struggling with the life he's been taught and the things he's seeing now that he's been outside of his family's home/influence. Gon, a kid that's the same age as him, has this entirely different view on life that Killua has never seen and it's challenging him. And it helps that they're the same age because I feel it's natural to be influenced more by your peers than anyone else.. especially when you're young. I think it took a lot of courage for Killua to say that he wants to be friends with Gon, to live a normal life, and that he's sick of killing people. And it seems Killua sees Gon as that escape. So every time I hear Illumi's words, I swear they just cut like daggers. I don't think I've ever seen/read any piece of media where someone has been beaten down verbally, so hard.. Illumi KNOWS Killua is scared of him. He KNOWS he's stronger than him. Yet he offers this challenge to Killua stating that, "If you don't fight me (which I know you won't because you're too afraid.), your dear Gon will die." And once Killua surrenders, he basically says, "See, look. You don't have the courage to fight for your friends. Thus.. you don't have the right to have friends." Phew.. Leorio saying what every viewer wants to say but can't. Episode 19 is where this anime truly hooked me. Episode 20 just solidified it.


We go from Gon focus to Killua focus! We also finally get to hear the Zoldyck theme. It's easily one of my favorite tracks in the OST. It definitely fits the vibe you'd expect from a family of assassins. When it starts, the lyrics you hear are actually just "Zoldyck" dragged out in a creepy manner. Also, on the topic of selling your hunter license, I don't think it's ever been mentioned how much they sell for. Plus, I think you paused when Satotz said it, but they are useless to anyone but the original owner. So the only people buying them are collectors. Based on the info we do have, it's safe to say that it's probably one of the most expensive things money can buy, due to there being a very finite amount of them out there, let alone for sale.


I think they mention in the episode that other people can't just use another person's hunter license. So it's high price is commanded by its rarity or collectibility, if anything.

daniel kurtz

Any news on AOT finale reaction?


Great analysis. I also think 19 is where it really picks up. Glad to have ya here. I love reading and leaving long comments here, so I hope you do more of that.

Chris Sharpe

What do you mean it’s hard to relate to his background? I’ll have you know I was raised by grizzly bears and am a contract killer for world leaders fyi. Pffft Killua ain’t got shit on me 😤 Jokes aside you do have a really good point and I think it’s so impressive that Togashi pulled that off.


It was a very cathartic speech to hear at the end. :)

Jason Serrano

That opening line KILLED ME LMAO


I'm glad you're enjoying the show this much already cause it's just getting started, this arc is great but most of the arcs after this one are even better


This is a good pace to react to this series. I personaly, binged the whole thing haha


Oh, and I've got to say it one more time. You're the only reactor I tune into from second 0 right to the end. It almost always gets me to reflect. Big congratulations and thank you for that!

Szandor Kane

One extremely important bit about Killua's upbringing in this episode I'm sure you picked up on as well: "Don't fight anyone you can't beat" stands as the biggest contrast to Gon's way of "Never give up no matter your chances" and both views have such pronounced up- and downsides that add to the boys' friendship.