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In Hunter X Hunter 19, Can't x Win x But x Can't x Lose, the tournament reaches its final stage of sadism.




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Hope the new job is going well

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Lets goo ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥❤️‍🔥


“This fight has turned into a mental battle”, welcome to Hunter x Hunter!

Chris Sharpe

“Gon, you are a danger to everyone and yourself” -Goodwin when he started


I've been waiting so long for these next couple of episodes


What's interesting about this last phase is that Togashi has already written what's widely regarded as the best shonen tournament arc in his previous anime, Yu Yu Hakusho. So essentially in Yu Yu Hakusho, he perfected the shonen tournament, and now in HxH he decided to play around with the tournament formula and try something a little different


I'm terrible for taking the bait every time, but "discretion is the better part of valor" is from Shakespeare's Henry IV, haha


This is probably my favorite episode in this arc. We get so many looks into so many characters it's insane. Gon, Killua, Kurapika, Leorio all get to display their personal qualities to the fullest extreme, and dispite being in the background for most of the show, Hanzo becomes one of the most memorable side characters in the arc, imo. We even get another glimpse into Netero's character from his tournament structure and scores. Great analysis as always guy, hope you're enjoying your first watch as much as my rewatch.

Wolfy Fiorini

I'm glad to hear that because imo it just keeps getting better and better! You can always recognize good shows when their slower arcs are still great :D


This is probably the first episode that really hits the mark for me. Most of the Hunter Exam is there to showcase characters or otherwise thematically relevant things. This fight however, is surprisingly relevant. If I remember to, I'll probably end up bringing it up at least a few times in later episodes. Tempheror mentioned the further insight into Netero's character, which I totally agree with. I think I said last time when talking about Netero, that both him and Hisoka have a screw loose. I now retract that statement. Most characters in this show seem to have a screw loose. To stick with the analogy, as I'm determined to go through the whole toolbox here, I feel you once again hit the nail on the head with Gon. Gon displays many qualities this episode, both positive and negative. I agree with some of it being him wanting to feel like he earned his victory, or at least is capable of doing so if he wishes. However, the lengths to which he will go to prove that to himself, was also very concerning to see. As just about every character pointed out, it would be far more logical to just take the loss. Especially in a situation where, as I think you put it with your almost jumping into water story, knowing when is the right time and place to confront something is incredibly important. Just because it worked out here for Gon, was it worth the seemingly pointless risk involved? On the first episode, I made a commitment to re-read the manga along with these videos, and talk about any differences that might be interesting. That was a stupid commitment, and I should probably have not made such a bold commitment, but my enthusiasm for the show got the better of me. I did talk about the biggest difference so far, which was the cooking phase, but there really hasn't been much else of note that I can remember. Most of the waiting around in the room episode was anime original, and Killua ripping that dude's heart out was much more violent in the manga, as he literally just crushes it in his hand after tearing it out. But otherwise, I'll probably just read sections for episodes I feel I'll have a lot to say on. No more over committing for me. Sorry for the rambling, thanks for reading if you got this far. Still not as long of a comment as some of you here like to do once and a while (I love reading them please don't stop).


That wouldn't surprise me. Though, there is a small character that is actually a sort of self insert way later.


If you want a vaguely appropriate Obi Wan quote, I'd go with "Who’s the more foolish; the fool, or the fool who follows him?"

Szandor Kane

You should be pleased to know that you're definitely on to Gon and Killua's personalities, but also that Gon's disregard for his own life is not gonna be dropped without consequences as the "normal Shounen protagonist" thing it is in many other series. It's a defining character trait as you said and it's gonna stay for better or worse.

Virgil Hawkins

You’re definitely stifling a laugh at 11:06 when Leorio says that he wouldn’t give up 😂