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In Hunter X Hunter 17, Trap × In × The Hole, surely the Ponzu battle will be Leorio's redemption and he won't bumble it.




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Hey:) just a warning aot's final episode is coming out this Saturday so if you plan on holding out until after your trip to react to it i'd highly suggest staying off social media this weekend and the upcoming week.


the episode's also going to be an hour and a half long so movie length :)))))))))


Woahhh damn so many mixed feelings. It can't really be coming to an end, right?


The time has come and I'm not ready. As much as people complained about all the delays to "the final season" I was ok with it. the longer I can go without this show ending the better. Its gonna be surreal knowing there's no more Attack on Titan after this week...

Chris Sharpe

It was funny to see Killua clown on that guy at the beginning. But I still wonder, how cautious is he really?


think he said at some point he was very cautious but... don't quote me on that

Chris Sharpe

It will be amazing. Also it will be kind of funny to see a lot of anime-onlies loving it after manga readers have constantly said “trust me THIS is where is my gets bad/goes downhill” at every point in season 4. I’m the kind of person where, even if I disagree with what is being said, toxicity against a series I like can subconsciously sour my love for it. I want the anime-onlies to truly ingest this without being tainted by outside influences.


Trap = 'wana'. Hole = 'ana.' "ana de wana". Har har. (Nothing special about that episode title pun, but it's been a while and I just wanted to remind people that basically every episode has been like that). As for the money discussion, teaching isn't the kind of thing you enter for money, and even if I were massively successful in my career, I still wouldn't be living a life of luxury, and I'm happy with that. Still, if I just happened to win the lottery or something, I'm pretty confident that I would not at all feel "unsatisfied" with what that enabled me to do (make sure my family and close friends had some financial stability / maybe endow a scholarship for students or establish a research fund). Perhaps I haven't thought it through enough, but I think Leorio might be similar. The money or fame of being a hunter wouldn't be his success and I think he'd be okay with that; the money is just a means to do what he actually cares about and could have success in.

Lofi Tech

yeah, i kind of think people were overreacting about the manga ending online. i had heard all of the negativity about it before i read it, and after reading it for myself it wasn't what i'd hoped for but it's not like it was a Promised Neverland season 2 or anything. i have a feeling they'll portray things in the anime in a satisfactory way, and worst case scenario it'll just be 'ah, ok'.

Szandor Kane

You probably have seen the next episode by now, so you can most likely tell that Gon didn't quite bounce back from his loss yet. There's subtle clues in this one as well that only Kurapika seems to pick up, like Gon saying "That's why I'm here".

Chris Sharpe

Yeah, not to defend the AOT fandom, but many manga readers in fandoms are like that. Mainly because anime-onlies get multiple chapters worth of content at once per episode in pristine animation, while manga readers get a taste every week, so they focus on that a lot. This makes manga readers in many fandoms impatient, overly critical, and overall nasty towards the author, especially since the manga communities are more closed off to the general public. It’s worse for AOT because the chapters came out monthly. On top of that, usually anime have some kind of filter to that helps with toxic attitudes towards the series and author. After all, if a series isn’t the kind someone would like, they usually don’t watch it in the first place, let alone be a heavily invested manga reader. But because of the difference between the early and later parts of the show and the fact that AOT had been running for many years before the new story beats, there are many who really don’t vibe with the storytelling (talking more about season 4 in general) who joined mainly for the action and have been invested for years. The long time between seasons further isolated the manga community from the anime-onlies and add in the heavy subject matter that can have the potential to be problematic, you have a powder keg that results in one of the most toxic anime communities. Pretty similar with JJK now, but at least they aren’t advocating for genocide or dedicating their entire internet presence to thrashing it (even if the venn diagram of toxic people in the AOT and JJK fandoms are closer to a circle then you’d think).