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In Cyberpunk: Edgerunners episode 7, Stronger, David's small head is too big for his new body.




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1. This show wasn't on my radar before, but I'm glad I get to watch you do a reaction on it. 2. Reg. the end, I think what's going on is: When they kidnapped the big corpo guy, and Lucy hacked him, she found among the data (which was mostly data on people) an entry of David. She scrapped it. When they gave the data to their employer, he obviously figured that some data had been corrupted (they confirm this in this episode previous-to-last scene). They are trying to retrieve the corrupted (David's) data entry. She seems to be able to track them, and she gets rid of them in order to (I assume) protect him.

Vali Sippola

The Metal Gear comparison is very apt.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

btw you put the Hunter x Hunter patreon tag on this Cyberpunk episode