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In Hunter X Hunter episode 10, Trick x To x The Trick, blue guy proves he's not down to ride for the cause. Leorio needs to be benched.




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Sam B

I forgot how long this part was hahaha, I need 20 episodes a week Goodwin.


I watched this anime for the first time back in 2017 and at the time I was pretty afraid of long running battle shonen. Most of the reason was the length and but a lot of them just didn’t vibe with me at the time. While now 6 years later I can appreciate sequences like trick tower but at the time? .. oh boy! This section of the anime really made me remember why I didn’t pick up these kinda shows. Even now when I do a rewatch of HxH (which is often) I do skim through this part…


Every lunch break on HxH day is the best lunch break


Random, but during arcs like this, my mind always wanders to things like "but do any of these people have water for 72 hours?" People talk about things like that as plot holes, but I think that's assuming that realism is what Togashi was going for, and I don't think that's the point, haha.


The bet match is definitely my least favorite, but we got that great Hisoka moment this episode so it’s still good lol


In what reality is someone allowed to change their bet?? And no one objects? Come on now, author, that's...

Mike Donohue

i've always tried to look at the hunter exam from a logistical standpoint and every time I reach the same conclusion that it would be a nightmare

Chris Sharpe

Honestly, a lot of people who drop HxH drop it during the Hunter Exam arc. Some people in the fanbase says that it “gets good later”. I don’t think that very many people who have finished HxH genuinely think the Hunter Exam is bad, but the reason why people drop it is because it gives them false predictions for what the future of the series where they say “if the series is just going to be a basic shonen for the rest of the time than I’ll drop it here”, which isn’t the best prediction in hindsight because series like Demon Slayer, my Hero, or even JJK would never do something like the Hunter Exam arc. Most of us who have seen HxH really like watching the Hunter Exam arc because, with the knowledge of the route the series goes, we can sit back and appreciate how good this arc actually is without being bogged down by false expectations for the future and take in the charm.

Ruma Risto

These are the types of minor details I'm willing to overlook when I'm watching a movie or a tv series. I wouldn't consider them plot holes or flawed writing. If the story is otherwise engaging and the character work is actually taken seriously, then I'm sold. (And in the manga, the gang can be seen drinking and eating during the trick tower phase. I guess the anime just omitted those panels for pacing reasons.)


I'm enjoying it a lot. I think I have the benefit though, to your point, of having been given an understanding of the flow of the show and where this arc fits in context.

Szandor Kane

Haha, I never understood that either. But he had to keep the betting shenanigans going.