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In Hunter X Hunter episode 9, Beware x of x Prisoners, Gon proves his candle burns the brightest.




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unrelated quick headsup and you maybe know this but HxH never changes its Opening song, but there's new visuals occasionally for almost each arc


no need to worry! The EDs still change, only the OP song stays the same. Also maybe there can be a favourite OP visuals question instead haha


Our boys HAVE to agree to the inmates’ fights, because the rule is for them to agree on something, but there’s no way any of the inmates would agree to something our boys proposed since their goal is to waste time. They’re kinda stuck with whatever the inmates suggest


Still good thoughts on being drawn into other’s games though, everyone seems to be trying to do that these days


Makes some sense but they have to have some degree of influence or else the game is rigged. Like, the inmates could say, "whoever is me wins," essentially guaranteeing their victory. Or more time wasting, "whoever is me and stands here for X hours wins."


True, but I assume the inmates already discussed with the warden and got his permission, since the bomber had gunpowder and candles for his “match”


He said "the one whose candle goes out first". This does not exclude external interference (i.e. someone blowing out the candle). It shouldn't be a matter of the candle's length, the guy must a have a plan to win no matter which candle the other party picks. And now, back to the episode to confirm.


Also, the verse changes, so the lyrics change slightly. ;)


I thoroughly enjoyed this. Thank you for the laughs. :) The Bed, Bath, and Beyond Arc, much like the store itself, may be gone, but I hope that Alex's refusal to participate in the games characters play continues, haha.

Emman Reed

Oh man oh man so great. Never expected for Mr.Goodwin to yell "yeat" in a reaction haha. Can't wait for more :D

paul fortunas

a real life example of the double bad candle choice, is the republican party and democratic party of america


Yeah, Alex was surprisingly enthusiastic about the casual murder throw into a bottomless pit, haha.