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In Hunter X Hunter episode 5, Hisoka × is × Sneaky, Hisoka is creepy and murderous but I don't know, those dead guys were the real sneaky ones.




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Respect your commitment to saying the title of every episode with its 'x'.

Chris Sharpe

At the beginning of the show, Hisoka was one of the first hooks for me on the future of the series. He plays such a unique villain role that I don’t think you’ve seen in this channel. Has a lot in common with the actual Joker card.


Pie eating contest 😆

Vali Sippola

I love so many characters in this story, but man, Hisoka is just a special character. He’s so unique and has such a presence. He’s definitely top 3 for me in the entire show.

م -

"Man What threat are Hunter pay to illuminate if people like hisoka are acceptable" ohh you will be answered ...


I'm watching this for the first time along with you and sometimes I can barely focus on Hisoka's scenes, because his musical theme is such a banger. Most intriguing character so far (bonus points for sounding like evil Oikawa).


Woah just looked it up and it's the same VA :D Never going to hear his character the same again

Ura Meshi

There are other prominent haikyuu characters' VA coming up later on


10:25 "4 is death, right?" --> I am truly humbled, but I honestly didn't make that connection until you said it! Wow. And yes, it makes a lot more sense now why Hisoka is #44, haha. The episode title pun: "hisoka x wa x hisoka" (the word 'Hisoka' literally means 'sneaky')


You know, I’ve heard a lot about Hisoka over the years, and so far he (and his super snatched waist) do not disappoint. I love the clown/magician aesthetic he’s got going on, it works really well with his whole creepy vibe.


I thought you would be intrigued by stupid sexy hisoka