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In Vinland Saga 2x15, Storm, the only nice Guest on Slave Island is destroyed by his inability to say no to beautiful women.




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I'd love to get into the mind of Yukimura, he's such a fascinating person. Actually, I'm currently working on a philosophy final research paper, and because of vinland saga and some personal stories from war veterans I know, I've been compelled to write on the topic of violence in relation to war specifically. This show really has got me thinking a lot on this topic. My paper is on whether violence in war is justified, or not. Which of course like many ethical problems, there's no clear definitive answer. I actually really like the comment in this reaction about how the more prevalent smth is, the more necessary it is to use yourself. (If goodwin doesn't mind, I'd love to use that quote for one side of the argument in my paper). Also I've always wondered what inspired yukimura to write this story. From a quick Google search, it seems he was inspired by King Olaf of Norway, but I wonder where his moral and ethical views of violence came from? Since he mentioned bombings in wars in his tweet for this episode, I wonder if somehow part of it is in relatio to the bombings in japan. Although he may not have been directly impacted by it, his parents and grandparents must've been alive during the time of the bombings, so I wonder if hearing to horror stories of those events somewhat impacted his views on violence. Perhaps also because he seems well versed and educated in history, he's gotten a comprehensive view of what wars do to people.


"Sverkel didn't just die did he?" You know it was really unclear


Feel free to use anything :) It wouldn't surprise me at all if his fascinations with war and violence were at least partly influenced by the bombings. Whatever it was, it's clearly a long-held obsession for him