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In Haikyuu 4x2, Lost, things you find in volleyball storage rooms: dusty flags, broken mops, Hinata's tears (and motivation?)




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Ignacio Garcia

While I do agree that sport is best seen as a model for realities of life, that's not how the old bitter coach sees it; in my opinion, he is a man who was beaten down in a sport that he had so much passion in to the point of dedicating his life as a coach, with time he was shown that volleyball is for the physical big and strong, smaller people like him don't stand a chance in the ring. After decades of hitting himself and others with the same "lesson" in volleyball that "you need to be big and tough" to survive, mixed with volleyball being his life dedication, his worldview is one shaped the same way. In a manner, he preaches what he believes and has nothing but contempt to poor Hinata; "I didn't survive, you won't either, so quit". I interpret his character as a tragic reminder of what happens when you: A) let a single mindset blind you to other views B) let the bastards drag you down :)


Takeda sensei's "He who climbs the ladder must begin at the bottom," changed my life. I watched haikyuu at a very important (read: impressionable) time in my life and I'm so grateful for it. It might seem silly to others but when I struggle or hesitate to do new things, I unironically think about Hinata and his commitment to get good. This quote summed up everything Haikyuu taught me and why it means so much to me.


Happy for you. :) The line is great. It's a really delicate combination of sternness and inspiration. On the one hand, know your place and accept humility, but on the other, keep striving for the top because everyone's journey to the top started at the bottom, too.


Doesn't seem silly at all. I mean... not a day goes by when I don't think about SOME character from something I've watched. If I don't, it's probably not a great day haha