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In MHA 6x25, No Man is an Island, Deku is rested and the cast is unified, so we're totally fine for the impending Shigaraki invasion in 3 days... right?




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Matthew Richson

And so concludes what might very well be the penultimate season of My Hero Academia. So yes, we got a big surprise at the end with the introduction of the USA’s Number One hero, Star & Stripe. Your comment on wanting to see America’s number one hero had you perfectly primed for this reveal. Manga readers were just as surprised when she was revealed at the end of chapter 328. I will say whatever questions you have on her(quirk and relation with All Might) will get answered fairly quickly in season 7. But also maybe temper your expectations a bit, because she wound up rather polarizing, the role she played in the story that is. Season 7 is going to have even more action then season 6 most likely, cause the season will open up with two very short arcs that serve as stage setters and only amount to about 5 episodes between the two. One is all action and other is setting the stage for the arc that will make up most of the season… the final battle. Speaking of which… we enter a bit of uncertainty for season 7, because the Final War arc is currently still in progress as of right now. Hell the season might wind up having to do things differently if it winds up being longer then the first war arc. While things are definitely nearing its climax, the battle won’t conclude till later this year or early next year. Made worse by the fact that Horikoshi’s health is starting to affect him. He’s had to take three sudden breaks due to poor health thrice this year already(third time was due to production issues), which leaves an air of uncertainty surrounding the proceedings. Cause while his art quality hasn’t suffered, his amount of output has. Chapters that made up the first half of season 6 averaged between 16 to 19(sometimes 20 pages). Nowadays we’re lucky even if we get 16. There are times when Horikoshi only manages to produce a 10 page chapter… while we want him to take a break he clearly is set on finishing the story… he’s basically being like Deku was during the latter half of this season. That said there’s a lot of stuff to look forward to next season, but it probably won’t get here till late 2024 or early 2025 at best. And this also depends on when the manga finishes too… There’s a possibility we are looking at an Attack on Titan situation.


That random lady from all mights last fight coming back and having such a touching moment really is one of the biggest brain callbacks by Horikoshi


Sad to think that he might be suffering from the same difficulties as his characters. But I understand it's a lot easier to notice than it is to avoid. It's also hard to tell anyone NOT to do it.


So much ‘murica

Matthew Richson

A few more things about this episode, that ending scene was anime original. One criticism people had with the chapter that covered the middle portion of this episode was that Deku’s trauma just seemed to get swept under the rug. This scene kind of addresses that, his trauma is still there, but it probably won’t get addressed until after this whole situation is done. And quite a few people misread Jirou’s words and thought she said that they should throw another concert, when what she meant was let’s make them all smile again. And yes, Momo looks like a mother, a lot of people commented that when chapter 327 and this episode dropped. 😂


It's a little surprising to me how many reactors were surprised by Stain's interaction with All Might. I guess people remember Stain for being villainous and for being the catalyst for the formation of the League of Villains, rather than remember his motive for his actions. Stain attacked the heroes that he deemed to be "false heroes", claiming that they were acting out of a desire for fame and glory rather than a desire to help people, and claimed that he was improving society by taking them down. He thought that All Might was the only true hero, the only one worthy of defeating him. He was basically an All Might fanboy, so it makes sense that he'd be someone to remind All Might who he truly is. His connection to the League of Villains was because Stain happened to get caught on the same night that Shigaraki let a few Nomu loose to cause chaos, so the public thought there was some sort of connection between them even though they'd actually had an altercation, and AFO and the League used that to their advantage.


You know what time it is, Time to rewatch all of Goodwins MHA reactions from beginning to end

Jake White


Jake White

Yeah Stain’s always been a ‘good’ dude with a bad approach, rather than a straight out villain. That was pretty much solidified the moment that he broke free from his restraints just to kill the nomu that was trying to kidnap Deku.


It's surprisingly heartwarming how in Stain's image of pure heroes inspired by All night, Iida is right there in front. After the Hosu arc, you'd never expect that.


I wouldn't be surprised if we got a mini season, or a split final season situation.


15:35 You looked a little confused at Sero slapping Mineta, but it's because he's copying Todoroki's poses and movements. It's just a continuation of the joke from before. Sero's line about Deku's 'bones getting all messed up' was something I liked in the original a bit better. He said, "I mean, getting the most powerful quirk from nothing, that'd mess up your bones pretty good, yeah." It was a nice show of empathy. Matthew talked about how Deku's traumas haven't really been addressed yet, and that's true, but I think just having somewhere to open up about them does wonders. I agree that, narratively, the heroes need to save Shigaraki (and Toga and Spinner, and maybe Dabi?). But I really can't imagine what that looks like. I'm having real trouble envisioning what saving someone like Shigaraki could even mean.


Yeah it's tough to say what it looks like, but I think one thing that has to happen is Shigaraki has to come around on his own terms, realize the error of his ways, and reverse course (in whatever way is relevant, like perhaps by fighting AFO)


It’s been such a joy watching your MHA Season 6 reactions! You really are my favourite reactor for MHA because you just GET IT. You get Horikoshi’s vision and you are really in touch with the message of this story and Deku’s (and everyone’s) journey. Onto season 7 and all the madness that awaits… *manga reader anticipation intensifies*

Matthew Richson

@Ryan, we don’t really know yet because it hasn’t culminated yet. But the key thing seems to be acknowledging their issues/pain instead of just callously taking them down because they’re villains.

Matthew Richson

Good to see another manga reader here who is excited for what’s to come. Soon the anime will be all we have left for MHA.

Matthew Richson

@crazizzle, most likely a split final season. If only because I don’t see the point in making separate seasons. But the overall length of the season might have to be extended depending on how many chapter are left…

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

You are the king of MHA reactions. There are half a dozen shows you have reacted to that I like more than My Hero, but your reactions specifically are great to this show, especially compared to other My Hero reactors. Sad to see this ending cause this was the only series I've been keeping up with on here recently but with Demon Slayer and Kaguya Sama coming back I haven't been this excited for future Goodwin content in a while.


Thanks, I appreciate that! I think I figured out a way to post Demon Slayer so that will come soon. And looking forward to Kaguya as well


"Relatable" damn, Goodwin cancelled live??? :))


Out of all the reactions I watched for this final episode, 4 or 5 referenced Team America World Police LOL, I love Star so much. You've actually met her before! But you'll have to wait until next season to know where.


Gonna miss watching you react! You understand what makes this show great, and it's always been a treat to listen to your thought process.


Preach. In a lot of ways, it does feel like the payoff happened early. The themes have come together and what's left is the final showdown. Which might take a while, so you probably would have enough time to do a rewatch, actually. Personally, I think they'll wait for Horikoshi to finish the Manga, but that's been delayed a lot because his health is failing. So I don't think S7 is coming this fall, or if it does, it'll be a short season, and then the story finishes in S8 in a year or two? It's possible that there will be spinoffs in the future (still holding out for a Vigilantes Anime after all!), but I imagine only after a prolonged break. I'm just grateful he intends to finish, to be honest, even though it seems to be hard on him. S6 was really great, and so were the reactions! Your eyeroll when All Might and Deku had their apology-off, haha! And Mineta being really funny, I always think of you in those moments. I've also really enjoyed what they are doing with All Might. It's rare that you see the mentor get to struggle so much. I'm worried about him too, but fingers crossed that a happy retirement is in his future!

Noah Hoorn

A full rewatch posted ATLA style would be amazing, there's so much packed in and callbacks everywhere it would be good to tide you and everyone over until season 7. I get there are other shows to watch and post too so I get if there's no time for it, but it would be great. I find myself rewatching your full reactions to specific episodes when I'm having real life issues with different themes that the show dives into and you elaborate on. Thanks as always for the content Alex :)

Noah Hoorn

A thought I've had is using Eri's power to rewind him into being a kid again and give him the support and help he didn't have. Would be an interesting discussion piece too on rehabilitation and criminals paying for what they've done vs making society a better place. Pretty thought provoking. Idk if Eri would do it though, maybe Deku takes AFO and then uses that to do it, idk. I called Bakugo's name before it released in the manga so who knows lol. (Just DynaMight because of the All Might reference, not the rest of it though lol)


I'm so sad my hero's slowly coming to its conclusion I love this show so much. if I were to judge by how the manga's going the 7th season will most likely be the penultimate season with season 8 maybe ending it off (most,likely being a half season with 12 eps) but who knows considering the manga isn't even done yet

Matthew Richson

@Noah, I will say this, as far as saving villains goes, AfO isn’t a part of the equation. He’s firmly established as pure evil, there’s no changing that.


Okay random thought: would it make any sense if it was All-Might that ends up saving Shigaraki? I'm worried that it would be by ''atoning'' or something and completing the prophesy of him dying, but I wonder if that would work narratively.

Noah Hoorn

I was talking about Shigaraki not AFO. Not sure what you're referring to from my comment because I was never talking about saving AFO. I said Deku might take the quirk AFO, but not that he should be saved.


oh yo! I got a callout XD, love your content happy to be here

Zein Sy

Gotta love the "relatable" rapist breaking out of jail. Jokes aside I really like how this moment demonstrates how stain is not a hero or villain but as he says "a beast that wants a better world".


Welp that's MHA down. On to Vinland Saga until you get Demon Slayer sorted out? Still hoping you check out Castlevania so that we can flesh out the english dub series on the channel as well just fyi ;)