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In Haikyuu 2x17, The Battle Without Will Power, Daichi goes out for the game and it takes all of 5 seconds for the existential collapses to begin.




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Chris Sharpe

This is a nice surprise, I’m on a long road trip now, so I need some entertainment.

Skyler Anderson

Man I love this episode. Just the idea of feeling like it's easier to give up on something when things get difficult and the repercussions mentally from that is something that's personally so difficult to watch Ennoshita go through. Also Yamaguchi backing down from using the one thing that keeps him on the court is heart breaking. I love to see Ennoshita stand up for him though and be a true leader for the team in Daichi's absence.

Chris Sharpe

Ennoshita has to be one of my favorite minor characters, he’s incredible. Season 2 is does a really good job at scaling up the stakes of the match as it goes on.


I love how much potential Ennoshita has as a future captain and it's obvioud that he's still growing as a person. It pains me a little that he still sees himself as a coward, even though he does so many courageous things. Stopping an angry Ukai takes guts.


5:42 Iwaizumi says ''I don't really remember him.'' It was pretty funny how clearly audible your silent ''me, too!'' was there, haha. I think you fooled precisely zero people there, haha, and it's okay. He's literally meant to be slept on. Three language nerd comments: - Ennoshita Chikara (縁下 力) comes from the expression 'en-no shita no chikara mochi' (縁の下の力持ち), which literally means 'the one who has the power to hold things up from below the stage,' but basically it means 'the unsung hero' / the black ace. In Japanese, he has the same voice actor as Kirishima from MHA, and I happened to see the Red Riot episode and this one at about the same time the first time I watched it. I think there are a lot of parallels. - The word ''coward'' is interesting here. In Season 1, they used that same English word to refer to Suga and Hinata because they were 小心者 ('shoushinmono' or 'small-hearted-people') who would be easily affected by their surroundings and could get thrown off by little things. On the other hand, in this episode, Ennoshita / Yamaguchi refer to themselves as 根性無し ('konjou-nashi'), literally 'without-...umm...cojones.' Basically, they see themselves as people who back down from a fight or run away, rather than rise up to the challenge. Like Swanlady said above, it's interesting that, as Goodwin put it, the 'concept of self' and 'reality of self' are not aligned for either Yamaguchi or Ennoshita, but in different ways. Ennoshita is really stepping up, but still has a self-image of being one who can't or doesn't. Yamaguchi talked big and then didn't back it up, and now he has to figure out where he actually stands. 22:50 The sign on the clock outside when it starts to rain is meant to provide a little subtext. It's actually word-for-word what the real-world clock at Sendai Gymnasium says, but the author's clearly using it in the plot. It says ''the circle of our community, raising our youth toward the future.''


I definitely agree on Ennoshita being an almost deliberately invisible character so far. The first time I watched Haikyuu I never really noticed him, until this episode. But going forward, his presence is definitely felt in smaller scenes too, because of this very episode and the strong setup and development of his character. And then, you go back and see the previous episodes, and it's hard to ignore him now, again because of how well his character is setup here. I would like to think it's how the mangaka originally meant for his character to written and directed.


I love seeing the flashbacks of how much Ennoshita has actually been there supporting the team right behind Daichi. Of course he's a secondary character that not everyone watching is going to remember, but this episode clearly evokes the thought that he is someone that can carry the name of captain. Haikyuu does a great job of portraying a variety of feelings and emotions in different characters. Someone is bound to relate to any one of these situations. I related to Daichi's feeling of, "Is my team going to be okay without me?" It's difficult to come off the court for an injury because obviously you want to keep playing despite the pain, and it's hard for your pride to admit, but the team should have the ability to play just fine without you.

Chris Sharpe

“The one who has the power to hold things up from below the stage” is honestly a pretty metal name.


Haha, I guess so? But it also means that you're not actually *on* the stage. You're unseen and unnoticed. 'Stage' is also a rough translation, since it's kinda meant to be wordplay itself. The word 'en' (縁) can mean an open-air stage where actors used to perform, but it's also the word for the connections we have to each other and to the kami of Shintoism. So, usually the 'ennoshita no chikara-mochi' refers to benevolent spirits like our ancestors, or sometimes to the network of people and their lessons that support us in other invisible ways.