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In Mob Psycho 100 3x8, Transmission 2 ~Encountering the Unknown~, the telepath alien whatever club get lucky with the smoothest alien encounter of all time. And one member in particular lucky a lot.




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This is all out of order but I'm going to post Mob today and then Haikyuu tomorrow

Sam B

What an episode.....


Looking forward to new AoT as well! Just a few more days until the 1 hr. special.


Ah yes, Attack on Titan Season 4 The Final Season Part 3 Final Arc Part 1. Also known as the Final Final Final Season, which was surprisingly accurate in hindsight.

Skyler Anderson

Just as a note, this was the episode with 20,000 individual hand drawn frames. You can probably tell from the rough and unique style the episode took on. That being said the end of this episode is so strange and odd it's my favorite random subplot for the series. The way it's animated and feels so wrong and dark and strange just hits me. Love it so much.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

So insane to think about AoT and the Demon Slayer movie coming out within the next week... pure hype


My girlfriend could not stop laughing for minutes after that ending sequence. It was so bizarre but so great at the same time.

Jake White

This episode was such an absolute fever dream lmao. I remember finishing it the day it came out and being like, “….wtf just happened” lol

Jake White

Also, @3:15 as counterintuitive as it might sound, climbing up instead of down actually IS the proper advice to give someone lost on a mountain hike lol. Climbing up gives a proper view of the surrounding area and can help to pinpoint markers or natural formations that can make finding your way back a lot easier. Whereas if you climb down and accidentally go the wrong way, you’re now just lost at the foot of the mountain with woods in every direction lol


we're towards the end of the series, so One was like "eh fuck it, have some extraterestials, why not" and i absolutely love it