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In MHA 6x19 Full Power!!, Deku starts the MHA Villain Greatest Hits arc by making short work of loud-mouthed Muscular. Deku's mom starts her Anxiety Plus Ultra arc by crying.




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Wtf I just got automatically resubscribed to you when there’s only 2 days left in the month and that was literally my last $5 💀 I haven’t even been on this Patreon in months

Matthew Richson

And so begins the first arc of the final act, the Dark Hero arc. A much different MHA then what we are used to.


Can you please refund me that was all my money and I never clicked anything to buy the membership

Skyler Anderson

Something cool to notice as an easter egg is that the gauntlets he has is very similar to the first my hero movie. Melissa Shield developed the "Full Gauntlet" in the movie that could withstand smashes at 100%. These are also from the US but they're called the "Mid Gauntlet" since they can't withstand 100% and just have some general support for his arms.

Matthew Richson

And this wouldn’t be the only Two Heroes callback in this part of the story either. Sadly that comes next season…


You have to click purchase twice to subscribe to patreon, if something happened you have to contact patreon support


No it automatically resubscribed me when I canceled my membership months ago because I couldn’t afford it


you still have to contact patreon support, the payments are not done by creators they are done by the site


I was kinda hoping he could cashapp it back cause I’m having trouble with patreon and I need money for food but it’s whatever at this point

Jake White

I mean, I can cashapp you $5 if you really need it super bad. You’d still have to contact Patreon support to resolve this issue though because Goodwin didn’t accidentally charge you on his end, it was a screw up with Patreon’s system. I’d also want to speak with them anyways just to make sure that you’re 100% fully removed from renewing subscriptions now and won’t have this error happen again

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

What can you even buy in America these days with 5 dollars? Half a McDonald's hamburger? Go work 20 mins at minimum wage and you'll make it back chief.

Skyler Anderson

I'm caught up on the manga and have no clue what reference you're thinking of. But obviously don't say anything if it's manga spoilers to Alex haha.

Jake White

I’m glad I wasn’t the only one lmao unless maybe he’s talking about S&S being a ‘callback’ since they’re from the same place (tried being as vague as possible to avoid spoiling so sorry if that was too confusing lol)

Skyler Anderson

That's possible. Yeah, that's defintiely vague enough but let's not go any further with the discussion for Alex's sake lol.


2 eps? less goooo


I appreciate it bro, fortunately I got my tax return an hour ago so I’m fine now. I’ve only had ramen for weeks so I was really stressed about the $5 lmao. For those wondering I work full time but bills take almost all of it

Jake White

Absolutely bud, glad to hear you can treat yourself to something better now lol

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

this community is the best, you got people offering to cashapp the poor guy money and other people making fun of him for being poor lmfaooo so good


At 21:30, it looked like Goodwin wanted to say something in reasons to Gran Torino's "sometimes killing is a form of saving" line, but then it was lost to time because of the scarf distraction.


Haha yeah that was a VERY interesting comment from Gran Torino (formerly known as All Might's OFA predecessor). I didn't say anything for three reasons: - I felt like I had already said a lot about the pressure to kill Shigaraki - It's something I've talked about A LOT especially in shows like AOT - GRAN TORINO SCARF! But I imagine it will come up again

Chris Sharpe

@A Goodwin TV Well, if Deku’s going to hear it from anyone, it should be from our favorite One for All wielder, Gran Torino.

matthew bremmer

There is no recovering from the gran torino one for all slippup. This shall haunt him for eternity. If I recall he had a pretty funny one about Annie in s1 of AOT.

Jake White

I don’t recall anything funny at all about Mikasa being the female Titan. No clue whatsoever what you’re referencing man. No chance


I love what Deku's VA does here, he feels totally different. Meet his real Quirk, "Therapy Talk"! Too bad it doesn't work on Muscular. Oh well, maybe Shigaraki will be different. This episode is a blast, and a real blast from the past! Never thought we'd see these guys again. I know Deku's in his Batman phase right now, but I lovingly call Vigilante Deku "Apocalypse Bunny"! That's another thing I never thought I'd say, how'd the Bunny costume become cool and intimidating? The scarf/cape(?) is a very nice touch though. And the moment with Mom always gets me emotional ofc.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

Holy shit this arc is gonna fucking slap, if its this good already I cannot wait to see whats in store, based on the OP its gonna be more peak MHA. I think this will go down as the best season of My Hero to date.


Sadly I was spoiled a bit by people posting manga screenshots however many months ago with walls of the crying emoji, but given the pace of the show I think I can picture what the last line of this season might be, or at least what I hope it will be, and I can't wait to hear it.