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In Haikyuu 2x1, Let's Go to Tokyo, Hinata uses his future opponent location radar for the second time to meet his ultimate rival, a 25-year-old volleyball adonis.




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Skyler Anderson

That's the beautiful thing about this show in my opinion. There's "antagonists" sure but they are also just people and when you see them playing against other teams you wanna root for them too the more you get to know them. This is the only show where so many of people's favorite characters tend to be characters on other teams as well. So many people feel like fleshed out humans that just love volleyball.

Emman Reed

YESS! excited for this seasons reactions. Also you might need to wait for the "Finale" Haikyuu!! movies for the classic beach training lmao


i love that you understood ushijima immediately 😩🙏


Episode 1 and new rival unlocked. Japan!! Also it's nice to see you kinda understand Ushijima's disposition so early on. It took me quite a while to warm up to his character. He's just one of those straigtforward, no nonsense and like you said, objective, 25 year old handsome men, cosplaying as a teenage volleyball enthusiast. Also also, "Hinata Shouyo from the concrete", for an introduction is just chef's kiss!!


I like that about a lot of Japanese shows. Like, ask people who is the "antagonist" in Spirited Away, or Princess Mononoke, Akira, etc., and it's not super clear. There is conflict, but it's between people.


Goodwin really understood ushijima after hearing him talk for 1 minute. what a G. That's why I love your reactions


I was wondering if you were going to watch / had already watched the OVA that's in between seasons. A few people have mentioned it in the comments. Good to see before the training arc. - Noya's shirts: 全力疾走, 'zenryoku shissou' --> Full steam ahead / running with all you can - 8:20 the "highly niche taste" is, I think, because they're supposed to be cat-like, like Nekoma? Just my guess. - 14:30 "Why are they saying Japan in English?" Great question. It's because that's how the world says Japan, so when they think of Japan getting announced at the Olympics, or at World Championships, that's the impression. They're not really referring to the country; they're referring to the fact that Ushijima is at the level where his team gets to be called "Japan." Speaking of names: - Shira-tori-zawa = “white-bird-mountain stream,” but “white bird” is an old word for eagle. - Fukuro-dani (the group of schools in Tokyo they're going to play with) = "owl valley." A character from there will look like an owl. - Ushijima Wakatoshi (nickname Ushi-Waka), is from the legendary samurai Minamoto no Yoshitsune. He was a powerful commander who famously went in first into battle ahead of the men who were supposed to put their lives on the line to protect him. He would just go in and cut down scores of enemies himself. His nickname before he earned the samurai name he’s known for today was “Ushiwaka-maru.” So, people would recognize the name “ushiwaka” as representing the unparalleled warrior. Now, this next part doesn’t parallel Haikyuu, but for completion, because of all his success, the leadership at the time grew threatened by Yoshitsune, and eventually sent in a whole batallion to assassinate him. There’s all sorts of movies and myths about what exactly happened there, but I’ll bring that up later when there’s another character.


It totally slipped my mind to watch the OVA but realized when I looked up the episode title. I'm gonna watch the OVA for next week

Chris Sharpe

I feel like Daichi and Ushijima both give off different kinds of Erwin energy. Maybe that’s why you like them so much.


Training arc. Training arc. Training arc!

daniel kurtz

Me, someone who isn't interested in sports anime: "Oh no, there's a second season" lol

daniel kurtz

holup, ur serious?

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

The training arcs are the best part of this show, you cannot change my mind.


There are 4 seasons. (2x25, 3x10, 4x25) But if you watch Goodwin's discussion at the end of 1x25, it doesn't really contain a lot of spoilers, and I think you'll see that Haikyuu isn't really an anime about sports. It just happens to use sports as a vehicle for character interactions, overcoming inner and outer struggle, etc.


I like the training arcs, but 2-18, 2-24, 3-4, 3-8, 3-10, 4-16, (and then minus the animation problems) 4-23 and 4-24 are the episodes I'd keep coming back to later. That doesn't make them "better" than the training arcs, and they're certainly not more important, but that's what moves me most.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

Yeah I'm a lot more of a casual enjoyer of this show than other stuff we've seen Goodwin watch on here, I just love seeing the boys be boys the most rather than watching the volleyball tournaments because I think volleyball, at least to watch, is an extremely repetitive and monotonous sport.


That makes sense! There's something about that kind of stoic character who does things excellently that I'm drawn to