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In MHA 6x14, Hellish Hell, the heroes struggle to regroup and mend the damage of catastrophe, death, and hospital fund embezzlement.




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Matthew Richson

Get ready for depression. Now begins the aftermath that causes world of MHA to start to crumble… This is among some of Horikoshi’s best writing.

Skyler Anderson

This is one of my favorite new openings. What a somber and sad setup for what's to come. The flaws of hero society is starting to come out and collapse in on itself. Meanwhile All of One sees it as the best time to abuse the society already struggling. Excited for the continuation.

Skyler Anderson

Additionally in the sub I like AFO-Shiggy's line at the end better where he says "Why do they think tomorrow is another day. I won't give them time to think. It's going to keep being MY TURN." Chills


Oh wow looks like Patreon has followed YouTube's format in showing when I've liked something. That's awesome

Skyler Anderson

It's such a small wording change that the meaning isn't any difference but it felt just slightly more bone chilling to me personally from the sub. My Hero's dub is great though I have nothing against it.


I haven't read the manga, but the lyrics to the opening song seem like they might be prescient. The first stanza: A world without 'white' or 'black' Behind all the hatred were tears Can't afford to just stop here Just keep moving beyond this .... Refrain: Every one of our thoughts and feelings I'm not letting go of any one of them Even if you tell me it's none of my business I want to be there by your side That's what it is to be a hero (I'm not translating super word-for-word because I'm trying to avoid inserting pronouns that aren't there in the original. For example, in Line 2, I've seen people translate that as "I was crying" or "You were crying," but it could equally be "we were all crying" or "they were / he was crying," and it's MEANT to be ambiguous, so I tried to avoid forcing any interpretation of who it is) Totally separate note: A lot of the newspaper headlines and "random citizen" lines seem to be taken almost directly from historical record after the 2011 Fukushima disaster. Horikoshi has apparently denied it, but it's hard not to see parallels with the criticism of the government for failing to keep the public safe after an unthinkable disaster, and MHA started in 2014.

_ scüp

"Its my turn now. My turn forever." Is such a great line

Emma Root

I'm loving the nostalgia in the end sequence. The pictures of Deku's friends from his own perspective is a nice touch


(Add: after watching the end discussion) I will admit to being a pragmatist under most circumstances, but pragmatism can be very dangerous, and I think Goodwin is 110% correct that thinking the ends always justify the means in government leads very easily to oppression and even murder. I thought it was very telling that the commission pulled out guns against Re-Destro and seemed like they had decided to take him dead or alive. I think they represent a group of people that would not hesitate to make people "disappear" if they had the freedom to do so. So yeah, like you said, Deku and company have a gargantuan void to fill between the villains that are capable and even willing to reform like Spinner on one side and the public / commission on the other who would rather take an "easy" road by just eliminating threats, not accepting that that's part of what caused this in the first place. Oy.


Best Recap Episode yet, I think. Probably because it's finally a much needed breather, so much stuff happened (I'd half forgotten about Kaminari's big moment at this point) and it fits the tone, like, the other half of the episode is showing us a reel of the immediate aftermath and everything is really somber? Also debuts what could turn into my new favorite OP and ED. Honestly, I'm really torn, because it's great storytelling, but it's really hard to watch. I miss the good old days. Midnight dying was a total shock for me at the time. I was worried about Aizawa, Gran Torino, Hawks and Endeavor, but I was so sure she'd def be fine because she's the only female teacher... Really doesn't feel like a victory in the slightest. I do think Dabi deliberately let Hawks kill Twice, there's no way he just got lucky with that shot. And I'm not sure, but I think they're Class 2A now. There was a 3 month timeskip right before the War Arc and it's spring again. Last we saw of them was right after the New Year in January. I guess it could also have happened in the break right before 2nd year, but I feel it's just not been adressed because so much more important stuff is happening (and it's just easier to keep thinking of them as Class 1A).


You looked a tad confused during part of that last segment but yes, Midnight is dead. After she was struck down by Dabi & Mr. Compress before she could put Gigantomachia to sleep, she had contacted Yaoyorozu and instructed her make the anesthetic, then went dark. During that time, she was incredibly wounded from the fall and a bunch of PLF members ganged up on her and she was killed. Additionally, the other person that was mentioned to Yaoyorozu was her mentor, the hero Magestic. He also perished while attempting to stop Gigantomachia.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

The new OP and ED could not make me more excited for the second cour of this season… this might end up being the best MHA season ever if the second half is as good or better than the first.

Matthew Richson

Considering they got Nakamura for this half, I’m inclined to think better. If every episode so far is any indication.

Matthew Richson

Well, the story goes into detail that about them supposed to be in their second year later.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

gonna be more funny to see what comments goodwin specifically doesnt like versus what he does like lmao

Alex Williams

I think for the loyalty for the league of villain members all depends on how easily corruptible they are cause let’s face it All for One is a very manipulative person and we also have to question whether or not the villains are gonna follow all for one not out of a sense loyalty but them thinking to themselves “well we can’t turn back”, “there is no life for us after this” those two lines are probably very important in whether the rest of the league members follow all for one or not.

Alex Williams

I love the little shot of deku and the one lady in the opening looking at each other and the way deku’s face looks completely devoid of hope it definitely seems like this arc will be more character development for deku


I thought maybe my excitement would die down after the war arc but I'm actually getting pretty excited for the stuff that's to come. I have been impressed by some of the creative decisions Bones has added this season. I adore the shot in the OP where the "shell" of Shigaraki fades away and you see AFO's face right before he completely disappears. So good!

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

the animation in that OP is fucking absurd holy shit BONES are literally blessing the world right now with MP100 Season 3 and MHA Season 6