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In MHA 6x13, Final Performance, the heroes complete the first half of My Hero Academia season 6 with a victory... or not.




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I don't want this to be over. I really enjoy these reactions to MHA


Hey man, why can't I see your update posts as a $1 Patron? shouldn't those be there for everyone to see, also to get an idea what's about to come (and to potentially upgrade tiers)?

Matthew Richson

So yes, the War is now over… but the arc itself is not. There’s still several episodes left to go before the next one begins. Get ready for emotions… The next episode has a sizable chunk of recap, goes from about the five minute mark to the 11:15 mark. You can skip through that if you’d like


Yea the heroes took a major blow but on the bright side, new opening and ending next episode!


I wonder if we'll get a "running through these halls..." Doesn't feel right at this point but would feel good

Matthew Richson

And in hindsight getting you to read those cut MVA chapters might have been slightly irrelevant since this episode adapted one of the chapters that was cut. 😅


I think what is terrifying is no one did anything tatically wrong. The plan was solid, they had suprise, they threw in everyone and didn't underestimate anything and still lost. Now what.

_ scüp

Dub All for One in Shigaraki's body feels different because they sound a lot more similar than they do in the sub. I also just prefer All for One's voice in sub, his voice actor is insanely good at portraying how unashamedly evil and childish he is

Matthew Richson

The dub version is more subtle. Vale’s voice remains dominant while you can barely make out Swasey’s voice underneath it. Which makes sense as it’s still Shigaraki’s vocal cords doing the talking. Personally I like both voices for different reasons, sub All for One’s is unnervingly deep and unsettling. While his dub voice perfect captures his silver tongue. He sounds like Hannibal Lector.

Matthew Richson

And another thing I forgot to mention, Oji Harima was first and only referenced back in season 4 by Gentle Criminal when he listing off famous criminals from the early days of quirks.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

This is the best traditional mainstream battle shounen anime of all time. Don't @ me.

Matthew Richson

While arguably not the BEST. There’s a certain quality to it that makes it stand out.

matthew bremmer

it's aight. Good show, imo you're being a tad hyperbolic about it being the best battle shounen ever. Appreciate the enthusiasm though.


i definitely dont think thats true. Its like a fine show but calling it the best is a little too far i think.


Out of curiosity (and not trying to start a heated debate here) what what would be the other contenders for "best?" (Granted the question is subjective)

matthew bremmer

Boruto's grandfather's first born son's son's father would be a contender for me. Also Bleach. Food wars would be up there to until it isn't later. Inuyasha I guess also


Wait, what would the definition of "traditional mainstream battle shounen anime" even be? If it's literally just a shounen series with violence, conflict, competitions, battles, and fighting in general, then I definitely disagree with your take on My Hero Academia being the best. That's not to say I dislike MHA, but there are a lot of shows out there, including some heavy hitters. Oh, and strangely enough, I'm also a Matthew. lol


So I mentioned before that the encounter between Deku and Shigaraki was a throwback to the first couple episodes. This is basically calling back to when Deku saves Bakugo from the sludge villain. Back in the vestige world, AFO was swallowing up Shigaraki and Deku saw that. And when he was finally able to move, he was going to help Shigaraki, like he did for Bakugo back then. It's not as clear because things can be translated differently but in this episode Deku says the same thing he said to Bakugo. He says, "you looked like you needed saving" about the both of them.


Also I love they used the saving Eri OST for that moment. Not just because it's beautiful and fitting for that moment. It seems kinda understated by a lot of people but Shigaraki and Eri heavily parallel each other. I don't wanna type out every reason but if you think about the relationship between Eri and Overhaul and Shigaraki and AFO, you'll see the similarities in their situations.

_ scüp

We cant talk about differences in performances?


Also again lol I really felt bad for Spinner this episode. The guy just wanted to help his friend(s) but he winded up summoning the devil

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

For me the contenders that fall under that subjective category would be Jujutsu Kaisen, Demon Slayer, Hunter x Hunter, Naruto, DBZ, Yu Yu Hashuko, One Punch Man, Bleach, among many many other shows. But I wouldn't include shows like Attack on Titan or FMAB in the mainstream battle shounen category because although those anime are technically shounen with a focus on action, they are much more drama/plot based and get really deep with there themes and messages like how serious movies/tv shows do, those two shows reinvented what shounen's could and couldn't be, and their influence is massive.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

you can talk about whatever you want lol, i just think its funny people find this subject worthwhile to still be talking about 126 episodes into a dub reaction series every single week a new mha upload drops


honestly i think jujutsu kaisen is better. At least i think it will be as long as Mappa continues to adapt the manga with the quality season 1 has had.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

@DefaultGoblin jujutsu kaisen is amazing but with only one season and one movie out it just can't compete with MHA's 126 episodes, 6 stellar seasons, and 3 highly entertaining movies. Not a single two cour season of MHA is bad or even mid imo, sure some are def better than others but I legit adore at least one arc in every season. if JJK continues to be as good as it is for another 30 or 40 episodes than ill agree its better than MHA


Would you consider a show like World Trigger to be in the same category? I don't think I've seen another shounen series that places so much emphasis on the "tactics" of battle, which I find pretty interesting.


Spinner has become one of my favorite characters in recent seasons. I never expected that to happen, and yet here we are.

Matthew Richson

@Goodwin, Out of all the Shonen here and no one has mentioned the true GOAT, One Piece. I kid you not it’s one of the greatest pieces of media ever conceived. A massive undertaking, but an undertaking well worth taking if anyone is up to making the plunge.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

@Matthew_Richson maybe cause its over a thousand episodes and ain't nobody got the time for that. Also its objectively more worthwhile to watch 100+ different animated shows, all with their own life lessons, messages/themes, characters, worlds, etc. that you would get to enjoy and explore, than to just watch 1 singular show with one main character and one world.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

@Merfhew I have never heard of World Trigger edit: damn 74 episode 2014 toei animation shounen with a decent 7.58 on MAL and almost 400,000 members, suprised ive never heard abt this show. literally never seen a image or reference to it, nor has anyone ever talked about it on anime threads or comment sections ive been in for years.

Matthew Richson

@Jasmine I did, got caught up on the manga in two months flat. The anime took me a bit longer but I watched most of that in a few months as well.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

@Matthew_Richson well you're just built different lmao, I can only watch max 2 or 3 episodes of anime a day cause usually im watching really good stuff that makes me cry or get emotional in someway (excitement, happieness, sadness, etc.) so I have to take a long break and really soak in what I just experienced. I like to sit with episodes for at least a full day before hoping back into the show, im like that with all tv shows, movies, even music I can only listen to for like max 1 hour before I get too tired.

Robert Traeger

they captured the doctor, granted that isnt the end game but its not nothing i suppose.

Chris Sharpe

Since I’m guessing you aren’t talking about AOT, then One Piece (if using Manga) and Hunter x Hunter (if it’s just anime). The JJK manga is fucking insane too. MHA is amazing, but still has it’s flaws. I would say the faster paced manga of One Piece (vs the anime) is my favorite piece of fiction rivaling AOT.


Its just the fact that in total, we have a few unknown villains out, and a ton of heroes dead. I mean our No.1 hero is out cold, alongside a ton of other top 10 heroes, while the main bad guy got away. Like imagine living in this world and seeing the top heroes be completely destroyed like this


Haven't seen Naruto, never heard of World Trigger, but have seen every other anime mentioned here. While a lot of them were very good for different aspects, none of them have the consistency of greatness MHA has shown. I also agree that it is still too early to say, but JJK has some great prospects to contend.


I don't like talking about "best" or "worst" for things like art or fiction, since I think what makes these works great is how they resonate subjectively with people at a certain time in history, at a certain point in their lives. But historically, I can talk about series that have been super influential. In the 1980s, "Hokuto no ken" (Fist of the North Star, source of the "omae wa mou shindeiru" meme) and "Ashita no Jo" (boxing, from the 1980s) should probably get at least an honorable mention. For the more modern era, I'm surprised no one's mentioned JoJo's Bizarre Adventure so far, so I guess I'll put that up there. Still, if we're excluding FMA, then in terms of cultural influence, I think it'd be hard to top Dragonball, Naruto, and One Piece. People more than 20 years older than me and young kids today reference the shows often in casual conversation as a metaphor. It's just something everyone knows, whether they read the manga or watched the shows or not. (Full disclosure: the only 'battle shonen' I've seen from that whole list is parts of Naruto)


Yeah, I said this on YouTube, but I agree with UndeadDesk here. A society with quirks is almost the opposite of a utopia. It's constantly on the precipice of the apocalypse. So many of the quirks individually, both hero and villain side, could raze whole nations to the ground if abused. Yaoyorozu's power alone could collapse the world economy. So, hero society gets shat on a lot for living in denial, and I think ultimately that's right. It's not a sustainable lie. But a society that acknowledges the true power of quirks and that gives people freedom to use them would require such intense loving care for each individual to encourage them to use them for noble goals that I'm not sure it's possible. Even one person slips through the cracks--one Dabi, one Shigaraki, one All for One--and it could bring literal armageddon. How do you possibly go to a 9-to-5 shift knowing that at any moment the whole building could be reduced to ash by a damaged soul with power beyond comprehension?


I love how much you love Deku. I see a lot of criticism lobbed at him as a protagonist, and while I can sorta see it, I never understand it. I think he's exactly right for what he's supposed to be. You're right about the tone shift. I feel like it was always gonna go this way and it makes sense, so I can't exactly complain, but part of me still mourns for the good old days. There's def a shift between everything until now and what comes after for me.