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In Haikyuu 1x18, Guarding Your Back, Asahi gets a spiritual victory that the whole team can experience.




YouTube Link (updated)




Brother?s Idk man, Haikyuu is pretty gay, all sports anime for some reason are, there is no toxic masculinity (it is not bc of this, bc that would be sad, we want good male friendships, and there is those between a lot of characters; Daichi-Asahi, Hinata-Kenma, and more incoming, and big bro vibes from the upper class-man to the first years especially, etc.) but also there is a lot of love story vibes between certain characters (Hinata and Kageyama ehem), especially the ones that have numbers that follow each other. Fans even say, the only one who is straight is Tanaka, haha (that most are bi and some straight, some gay, which is a reality in life, sexuality is fluid, heteronormative perspectives are not inclusive.). I am not sure about Asahi and Nishinoya's relationship, it could also be brother-ish, but most people don't think so bc of the whole "I won't play if he won't play" stuff.


Video seems to be private?


The embedded video isn't playing or the YouTube version is not accessible?

Skyler Anderson

Man the moment of Nishinoya saving the ball with his feet and then going on to defend Asahi to the very end is so amazing. Also yes in Volleyball you can use any part of your body to recieve the ball as long as it doesn't get called as "carrying." You can look online and find some pretty insane kick recoveries that liberos have done in real life as a lot of these insane moments are inspired by real volleyball sets. Even cooler, some of the players on Japan's national team watch Haikyuu and have recreated some really cool plays in professional matches.


The youtube version says it's private and can't be accessed, embedded full length works


Oh okay I think I figured it out. The first version had a copyright issue, but even with the new link it was still redirecting there. Should work now!


man i love haikyuu so much


Yah I’ve noticed the Brazilians and a lot of South American teams have some insane foot saves most likely because of the popularity of soccer in there cultures

Chris Sharpe

It’s nice how they set up Date Tech, just the right amount of hype with just the right amount of living up to the hype. Not a random team that is suddenly giving lots of difficulty, and yet still not massively hyped up just to be destroyed.


common goodwin W. Another hood classic as usual Mr.Tv


18:23 "Is he saying they're going to be stronger without the current 3rd-years?" --> Sort of, but not exactly. For at least a short while, Date Tech will be missing its 3rd-year core, but by the time that Aone and Futakuchi are 3rd-years, they'll be better than they are now. The current Date Tech 3rd-years knew that they weren't the type of players that could bet everything on volleyball, so they, like most 3rd-years, are going to "focus on studying" after Inter-High. It's as much a personal decision as it is a more objective look at the team, realizing that as they are now, they probably can't get out of Miyagi Prefecture above Karasuno, Seijoh, Shiratorizawa, and so on. Also, yes, thank you for noticing Tanaka, haha. :) Noya rightfully gets a lot of attention for two very flashy saves in one rally, and obviously Kageyama, Hinata, and Asahi are the stars, but while Tanaka doesn't stand out, he holds his own.


Damn AOT s4 part 3 looking different


I forgot to write this earlier: Goodwin looked displeased? / unsatisfied? with Ukai's line at 19:35, where he says when things go crazy and you just have to get the ball back somehow (in volleyball lingo, when you're "out of system"), that the default option is just put it high and left and trust the left wing spiker to do something with it. I couldn't tell what Alex didn't like about that line, but maybe how it sounds deterministic or narrow-minded? The thing is, in volleyball (and a lot of sports), it's really useful to have a "fall back" option that people can just go to whenever they're in a pinch (I'd argue even in individual sports like singles tennis, having a "fall back" shot is similar). If the ball is way outside the court, or someone tripped, or something crazy happened, it's useful to be able to save the mental effort of coming up with a good play and instead just focus all your energy on survival. "Just get it high and left and focus on regrouping." That can only happen when your left winger is, in fact, reliable, though. Left winger isn't the only option in general, even if it's the only viable option for Karasuno right now. In Season 3, we'll see an example of a team whose default option isn't the left WS, for example. But I think all Ukai meant there was "our team needs someone to bring the play back together when things get out of control," and Asahi showed that he could do that.


I think because it's basically putting all the responsibility on Asahi to salvage bad situations. Which is exactly what caused his self doubt and downward spiral in the first place. And if it's the only thing a team is told to do, or it's the only thing a team does in a pinch, it would be very bad but I don't think Ukai was saying that it should be their only option, just a good one that they could fallback on.

Sam B

He said it was their best option for that moment yeah, not for every bad moment.