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In MHA 6x9, Katsuki Bakugo Rising, Deku gets a little too close to Shigaraki for his best friend's comfort.



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Anna Lena Ciplajevs

Damn Aizawa makes every other hero look bad. He really is just my number one


Bakugo is a polarizing character for many and its also very frustrating because people's dislike of him blinds them to his character development. Its been very nuanced and subtle, but he's come a long way and his REAL feelings are becoming more and more apparent. He never truly hated Deku, he lashed out because of insecurities. Not to say it justifies his treatment of him in the past, but it provides context. Bakugo is aware of his wrong doings and hes been trying to atone since his fight with deku at ground beta, the night all might told him the truth. The thing is hes been doing it in his own fashion.Deku literally TOLD him that HE is his image of victory, that when he gets really into a fight he cant help but emulate him when his desire to win takes over. Their relationship is my favorite aspect of the show to be honest.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

14 year old Bakugo: Tells Deku to kill himself one time in the first episode of the show One Third of the MHA fandom: I will literally never forgive you for this


deku and bakugou bffs for life


his body just moved on its own


Such a beautiful full-circle moment! Bakugou and Endeavor just have some of the best arcs, it's so hard to believe I used to hate these guys back at the start... The Deku-Shigaraki scuffle was weird though? Like, in the manga I was under the impression that Deku going full-power made him so fast Shigaraki just couldn't keep up and get his hands on him, but it was a losing battle, because Deku would be the first to run out of steam. But here it looked so slow, I can't really wrap my mind around why Shigaraki was just hanging there quietly, instead of decaying Black Whip, for example? Maybe his body was giving out? It was a strange choice, almost looked like slow motion. I get that they needed time for the voice over, but this felt off to me.

Lewis H

Something that I like that is often overlooked is how important the pro heroes, especially Endeavour are. It would be easy to just let a show about the students have them outshine the Pro heroes but everyone is still equally important and Endeavour being the number one hero is still showing why he is number one.

Matthew Richson

Yeah I feel like people miss a lot of the subtle’s cause they’re too busy projecting their own experiences with bullies on to Bakugo.


ALSO another thing I just thought about, was how Aizawa was thinking of Eri in the moment, realizing if he lost his quirk, no one could train Eri as she can't stop herself yet when she gets out of control. Dadzawa continues to have his priorities straight.

Chris Sharpe

Bakugo saw Deku as his complete opposite, so by putting him down, he raised himself up. He was better at everything, and all the things that Deku had that he didn’t were not important. This was his thought process, but when Deku started winning, this was shattered. Probably stating the obvious, but just wanted to share my thoughts.

Chris Sharpe

I swear, this show has some of the best characterization I’ve seen.


I cannot believe the hate for Bakugo. Literally, season 3, he confronts Deku and lays all his feelings out. He cries??? An emotion he had never shown before. According to season 1 and 2 Bakugo, anger was the only valid emotion. Season 5 and 6 Bakugo would like to have a word.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

netflix just announced a Live Action My Hero Academia Movie... somebody please run me over with a car


I truly don't understand why people do this. Who *wants* this? No one asked for Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast and Lion King to have a live action adaptation, especially when it's still CGI for most of all of those anyway... I don't get it. It can't be as bad as ATLA or FMA, hopefully, but still...

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

nobody asked for it... and yet The Lion King (2019 CGI Trash) made 1.7 BILLION dollars. nobody asked for Aladdin (2019 Will Smith Trash) and yet it made 1 BILLION dollars. nobody asked for Beauty and the Beast (2017, Emma Watson is hot but this movie still sucks) and yet it made 1.2 BILLION dollars. Disney continue to make dogshit unoriginal film after dogshit unoriginal film because American's line up in droves to consume that trash, and somehow they enjoy it! we live in a society... unironically though just saw the new Avatar 2 movie from James Cameron and its fucking incredible, 10/10 masterpiece. thats cgi done right, right there.


This last 2 episodes are some of my favorites. Aizawa cutting off his leg in the manga I believe it took a few times to remove his whole leg. I don’t being a clean cut. Either way Shigaraki does complement him, and calls him cool/amazing. It’s funny how much he hates heroes but he sort of admires Aizawa.