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In Chainsaw Man episode 8, Gunfire, when you think you're getting lucky but instead you get sadness and death.


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Despite knowing everything that was going to happen in this episode, my jaw was still on the floor for most of it.


average day in ohio actually


This series is fucking incredible


This episode was fucking *unbelievable*. From the quiet, intimate tension at the beginning, to slight hope, then instant chaos and despair. The animation. The music, especially the muted keys during the slow-mo attack and Himeno summoning the ghost. The CINEMATOGRAPHY, oh my god - shots like Himeno in the bathroom mirror, the POV, subtle things like the dolly panning left to right at the breakfast table, the twisted rebar splitting the screen as Aki panics and tries to figure out what the hell is going on. Himeno quietly vanishing piece by piece. The devils blinking in and out of existence, The audience freaking the fuck out wondering who's even alive. Pure. Art. I can't get over it. You can tell MAPPA is just pouring their hearts and souls into this show.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

god is punishing denji and himeno for coming so close to having premarital sex. aki and makima were so sexy they were tempting himeno and denji, so they also had to die. power gets to live only because squeezing her boobs is so unsatisfying.

Jake White

Apologies if this is annoying or comes across as rude or anything lol definitely not my intention, I’m just curious: did I happen to miss a post or comment regarding your schedule? Cause this last week and a halfish has been pretty steady and you’ve reacted to MHA and CSM fairly quickly after their release, but haven’t seen Mob in like 6ish or so episodes lol. Just wondering if you might have said something about coming back to that later in order to free up your schedule a bit or anything


I haven't posted anything about an official schedule, no. I'm trying to get it to a point where I can go up to minimum 7, hopefully 8 videos a week but it's gonna take another week or so, at which point I'll have a set schedule


denjis 16


rip bozo


jokes aside i liked that someone was looking out for aki and truly cared for him for some time. the aki we know wouldn’t have been him without her. the stuff with denji still made me uncomfy tho so 🤷🏽‍♀️

Chris Sharpe

Something I like about how Himeno treats Denji (although there is a double-edged aspect) is that she doesn’t treat him like a kid. Makes sense, as Denji went on a mission with her to kill a devil and spent 3 days slaughtering a devil. Most people treat him like a kid, a punk, or an animal, but Himeno treats him like an adult. She tried having sex with Denji, someone who probably wasn’t prepared, and just was like “yes or no…. yes? Okay”. She was apologetic after, but still seemed more worried about the legal aspect to it. She just assumes that because he fought massive devils he wasn’t shitting himself during the whole thing. She does something similar over breakfast when she is like “you like Makima? even if her personality is terrible? Okay then, let’s make a deal”. Despite the negatives, I think that it is nice that he is getting that kind of respect. Sorry for the wall of text.


Half ep is horny and other half is pain and suffering It captures my daily life perfectly 10/10

Chris Sharpe

It’s also a shame that we didn’t get the manga translation of Denji’s conversation over breakfast. “You like Makima.” “I SUPER like her.” “Even if her personality is crap?” “I like crap.”

Jake White

Gotcha, I knew things were still mostly being played by ear and just kinda tackled at your own pace at the moment. Just wasn’t sure if I had missed an update about Mob or putting it on the back burner or anything lol

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

when i watched the episode yesterday...when makima got shot in the head, i sat speechless for the entire rest of the episode all the way till the end of the ed... it was pure genius. for me this was the first truly masterful episode of chainsawman, the first real sign that this show actually can reach the levels of peak animation. this episode was a true masterpiece. also another one of my fav ED's of all time, this along with last episodes ending and the Power episode 4 ED are 10/10 bangers.

Chris Sharpe

As soon as I looked at the time on the reaction, I knew there wasn’t a lot of talking.


I goggled around and actually the age of consent in Japan is 13, they are proposing to raise it to 16, either way, according to japanese's law she isn't doing anything wrong if he agrees


I know a lot people aren't a fan of Himeno, but I loved her and her relationship with Aki. I actually wish they ended up together :( Anyways, I returned for these reactions and you just don't dissapoint, thanks


Today we're watching another great episode of Chainsaw Man where nothing goes wrong and everyone is happy


Jokes aside though, this is the arc where I started falling in love with the manga and in my opinion it only gets much much better from here


I seriously think the live action approach to animation works super well so far. And the actual inspiration from real camera techniques and cinematography I mean yeah it just feels like you're watching a whole new kind of show. Like a hybrid between animation and live action cinema I've been very impressed so far, and I love the detail they put into simple character acting it makes the characters all seem so dynamic


I did a brief google too (probably on a list now), and apparently while the absolute floor for the age of consent is technically 13, there are other laws prohibiting adults from having sex with minors under 18, so the 13 number only applies to those around a similar age. Also they're planning on raising it to 16 with a five-year window. That sort of legislation is pretty common - while a floor of 13 is pretty low, a lot of places have "Romeo and Juliet" laws that are flexible around sex between young partners of similar ages. All of which is pretty much irrelevant because Himeno herself stated that she's relieved because it would've been illegal.


That's a good point, I just found really funny that the people it's okay with Eren killing everyone outside the island but they are triggered by this situation.

_ scüp

Himeno will never defeat the allegations

_ scüp

Damn its almost like an intoxicated adult making moves on a minor is a more grounded and acutely uncomfortable thing than an unimaginable global tragedy

_ scüp

Its not actually 13 btw thats the federal minimum, all prefectures have it raised to 18 with some having be 16 with Romeo and Juliet laws


The train scene made me audibly say “holy fuck” the first time I read it lmao. I can’t wait to see the rest of this adaptation, they’re doing better than I could have imagined.

Jasmine Tea Enjoyer

@scup nuclear genocide totally is a realistic and very possible thing, numerous countries around the world have access to bombs that can literally kill all humans on earth 10 times over... its a very imaginable global tragedy, the rumbling is a symbolic parallel to nuclear armaggedden.


The talk you had in 9:15 its because of the age population who watch anime, Pre and teenagers, and the answers will be expected from ideologies and expected ideas for these people. More complex controversial issues like the ones you mention in AoT, are oblivious to these people. Teenagers' have a very tiny world where their opinions are mostly influenced from others. not of much value. so they repeat the obvious "this character is doing something bad!!!"

Christo Badenhorst

I rarely read Manga prefer anime.. Yesterday aftert this episode I switch to the Manga and I'm almost done... I could not help myself but holy shit I cant wait to see all that animated... I get it now.. I get the crazy fans... I am now one with them.... Play The Lion king song... We are one haha


May you rest in peace, eyepatch.


Uhhhhh Time Reversal Devil???