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In Mob Psycho 100 3x2, a new eccentric character gets added to the psychic mix to warn about the threat of a hundred demons, Mob struggles with being the only one who really cares about a group project.


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mob 3x2 extended

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Theme of this episode is obviously that Mob is becoming more independent and reliable, but I believe we also see this beginning to become a two-edged sword, although very subtly, since Mob is distracted the whole time. Perhaps he’s becoming more aware of the real world and less of the spiritual world, for better or for worse...

Geneva The Weeba

Girl: If you still need a job, raise your hand for me. Goodwin: *raises hand* “It’s easy. ‘Keep it light, keep it tight’, that’s my motto,” “Evening middle school? I give up. I don’t understand this system,” “He’s possessing the broccoli tree,” “It’s episode two, and still no salt. I don’t know how I feel about that,” (As I’m wearing my Salt University sweater right now, I agree) “Do we have to do it in song, though?” “We’re all a group of lovable misfits in here,” “What is it with these Pokéball sound effects?” “The true evil in this episode is student group projects, led by someone who doesn’t want to lead, as is always the case,” (I HATED those 😭I was the default leader because I tended to be the only one who would prod people to do their work) *tosses his head back, proceeding to knock his headphones off of his head* “You’re never gonna outshine the maid café. That’s it. That’s the most powerful force in the universe. You just have to surrender to it,” “All I need to be happy is one shot of Mob and Reigen being bros,”