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In Mob Psycho 100 3x1, Mob Psycho does a crossover with Hoarders as Mob and Serizawa explore their life choices and Mob's future in England (not America).


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Staring at this black deathscreen auto thumbnail is quite unsettling.

Geneva The Weeba

Narrator: The world around you is filled with strange phenomena. Goodwin: Yes. Like my ex-girlfriend’s behavior. Narrator: They are helplessly thrown into the dark depths of fear. Goodwin: Like my ex-girlfriend’s behavior. “This is going to be the whole video, just me saying ‘yes’ and ‘f- yeah’,” “There’s one big looming challenge that is the most difficult and dangerous of them all and that is girls,” “The bad energy of getting ripped off,” “What is the significance of the broccoli tree gonna be? It just exists there, looming in the distance,” “I feel like that giant broccoli thing just makes farming irrelevant though,” “I think you’re possessed by this trash. Maybe you should do your dishes,” “When the antidote is also the poison,” “Oh, it’s like his ex-girlfriend. It’s got ex-girlfriend lips,” “Okay, you’re 12, so stop,” “The mistakes you made probably didn’t happen for no reason,” “It’s only something to regret if I don’t reflect on it and get something vital out of it,” “Episode 1: Something in Japanese,” “Darkness. Broccoli Darkness,” “I’ve had 8 million careers, and I’ve never really been terrific or mastered any one of them,”