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In Violet Evergarden episode 10, Loved Ones Will Always Watch Over You, Violet's tea is returned to the earth through her tears.


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I hope you hydrated and took a nap after watching this. 'Cause man is it tough! I can never hold back my tears when I see this episode... the emotions are just so raw.


This episode hit so hard for me, as I lost my mom at a young age. Because she knew she was dying, she made a little book with baby pictures of me in it, and wrote stories next to them directed at older me. Stuff like how she didn't like how I was growing so fast, as she loved holding my little hands, but that she was happy for my dad as he couldn't wait to play soccer with me. That book is the most valuable thing I own, despite being a full-fledged adult with a house, car, everything. I'd trade everything I own for a single momentof being able to talk to her again, but having that book is the second best thing. This episode was beautiful, and very true in my eyes.


This is why I recommend this series to people. There is a beauty in it that's worth not missing out on despite how sad it also makes me. I do suggest people not do what I did though, which was watch all 12 eps in 1 Saturday. The amount of tears I cried in 1 day.


Ah, here we are


i saw the notif in my email and was like \i'm not ready to cry yet\ and then i completely forgot XD but now i am here and ready to fucking bawl my eyes out lmao a lighter episode good one alex XD OMG INTERNET STOP BUFFERING AND LET ME LIVE MY LIFE oh ann ;-; Ann: "I'll be all alone once you're gone!" Me with hindsight: just a sobbing blubbering mess "Thanks i hate it and i love it" YEAH


sorry this is off topic but what do you guys think of the new cyberpunk edgerunners show and do you think it could be something good for goodwin to watch in the future.


Glad you noticed in the beginning how "unenthusiastic" Violet seemed to be. We're coming from the previous episode where we saw huge emotonal development for her and yet here she, at first, seems to have regressed backed to her robotic personality. But we're deliberately made to see Violet like a doll here, just as Ann did. This perfectly sets up the reveal at the end that she'd been holding back her tears the whole time. Violet has grown so much, and her past experiences have given her so much strength. As a rewatcher, I noticed more now how many subtle moments there were throughout the episode that you could see Violet close to breaking. It's a masterful episode with all these tiny details, and I haven't even mentioned anything about Ann's relationship with her mother! Again I have to give praise to the staff at KyoAni for painting every single frame with such beauty, care, and attention to detail. We are all so lucky to have received these timeless gifts.


It's soo fucking good , and I agree (it's only 10 eps)


ive heard a lot of great things, gonna watch episode one today


if i had a nickel for every video game adaptation that came out in the last 2 years with really good animation and a really good soundtrack i would have two nickels.


which isnt a lot of nickels but its weird that is happened twice

Aidan Pullen

Yeah..... the way I always describe this show to people is it's very bittersweet. There's so much deep and profound loss - but from that loss it brings beauty and happiness. But goddamn it gets me every time and I'm actively crying on my keyboard. I love this show so much but it hurts every time I watch.


just watch episode one HOLY FUCK. Actual 10/10 perfect pilot, made my cry, made me clap in excitement, action sequences were insane, dialogue was fantastic, voice acting incredible, music actually slapping, animation style is gorgeous. im hooked

Geneva The Weeba

“Violet is sort of like the angel of death, but it’s like death of a certain repressed emotional state,” (uhhh…) “She might be a robot. Do we really know for sure?” “It’s an infinite loop of doll-ness,” “I’ve been a good girl and I just need someone to love me,” “Tears: the Anime,” “Thanks, I hate it. I mean, I love it, but it’s painful as hell,”

Slim Cognito

I never cried at this one before from the dub but I think it’s the Japanese voice acting just hits different


This is why you don't watch dubs lol

Slim Cognito

Same thing happened with AOT after hearing Eren’s Japanese VA I could never go back to dub. But some dubs like steins gate are just great


Cowboy Bepop and FMAB have great dubs as well... they are just exceptions to the rule that sub is always better