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In Violet Evergarden episode 9, VIolet Evergarden, Violet goes to work even though she really doesn't feel like it and is a whole lot better for it.


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I never realized the connection between the single, closed flower in the rain, and later the full bouquet of flowers/violets at the end - essentially showing what Violet realized she needed and deserved to grow into. Just another reason why I love your reactions so much.


I went to the convenience store again, but this time for water, and when I came back, the same group was there minus the hostile guy. So I asked the guy who had previously intervened what I had done wrong. Cue another freind getting hostile and saying he was going to knock me out. I told him I had no intention of fighting him but that I was from New York and if he wanted to fight he should just do it and stop talking. At which point the whole group of guys turned against me and started getting aggressive.


But I really had no interest in fighting them because 1 I knew I would win and 2 I know I would just feel bad later, so I just tried to deescalate. And eveventually they left. But the whole expereince left me feeling really sad. I put all this time and energy into Korea but guys especially are so hostile to me for no reason. It's not the first time either. And I don't even blame them and i understand where they're coming from, but there's no way for me to communicate that to them in a heated moment when everyone is drunk.


Initially I felt really bitter about it. Why should I have to deal with people being confrontational when I'm just trying to have a good time. I get the sensitivity about the girls they were with, but that really wasn't my aim and I didn't talk to anyone that didn't approach me. But at the same time I understand it. I just can't help but be left with a feeling of... why am I here. Why did I put so much effort into learning the language and culture just to be treated this way for living my life.

Matthew Richson

Woah… Goodwin. I am so sorry you went through all that. I guess sometimes people just suck…


Alex, I’ve never traveled before so I can’t relate to your experiences. My health is pretty bad and I’m stuck at home a lot. But I want you to know I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time. Even though I’ve never experienced it myself, I imagine living in a new culture brings forth everyday challenges and can be incredibly isolating, no matter how rewarding it is. Your video’s make my days brighter and I look forward to watching your reactions everyday and hearing your thoughts. This whole community cares about you and is rooting for you! If you need to take some time for yourself, I’m sure everyone would understand especially considering that Violet Evergarden can be a very emotional watch.


Everyone just wants to go out, get drunk, maybe meet someone if they are lucky and have a fun night... why do people always have to start shit when they go out. The whole point of going out is to have FUN and be relaxed around other people... personally I have no experience with nightlife in other countries that don't speak english, but maybe the attitude towards foreigners in places like Jeju that are more "rural" in a sense whereas maybe (and I could be wrong) bars and clubs in Seoul, a major international city, people are a lot more used to seeing white guys or people from all around the world enjoying the nightlife there. Idk, I watch a twitch streamer called robcdee a lot who streams himself live enjoying the nightlife in Toyko every weekend, and yes there are very occasionally negative interactions with locals caught on camera but most of the nights its just a great time for everyone involved, although I think it makes a difference that he is married and not looking to spend time with any girls while going out, that could be the key trigger that is causing all these negative confrontations with korean men, they just cant stand seeing a white american guy getting with "There" korean women. Sorry to hear about your night out :/


"is it raining or are we tear bending?" Yes Emotional Santa Claus omg ur not wrong all the connections she's made being shown in the middle of their journey's makes me so fucking happy cuz u don't get to see it in other anime Oh....next episode....oh no I'm already tearing up thinking about it, bro fuck this anime how dare u keep making me cry omg I'm sorry u had to encounter that Alex, guess it was the right time and place for u but not for them


This is a super sad situation that I'm glad you felt you could share. However, something to keep in mind is just like how you felt that the girl you saw initially getting yelled at didn't deserve that no matter what she did, the same rules apply for you. You didn't deserve the way any of those men treated you even if you could think of a reason why, doesn't excuse their behavior. I'm incredibly sorry!


I'm glad to hear that the situation did not escalate any further and you came out safe. When you're sad and feeling down every little negative can make you plummet even further. Like Amber said, you also do not deserve to be spoken to like that. No matter who you encounter, their views of you reflect what is going on in their lives and nothing to do with you. You actually taught me that! I hope you feel better soon and do what you need to do to take that next step towards the end of that sadness tunnel.


Sorry to hear about your experience, Goodwin. It sucks that there are people like that out there. I hope that like Violet, you meet more of the right people who will make you feel rewarded for all the meaningful effort you've put in.


This is my favorite episode of the show. The scene of Violet attempting to strangle herself is so devastating and difficult to watch, but what really gets me is seeing all the people Violet has managed to help along the way. It's a beautiful message about how everyone, no matter their past, is capable of doing good, touching the lives of others, and ultimately, worthy of living. I cry more during happy emotional moments than sad ones and the ending of this episode is one such tear-inducing instance for me.


sorry to hear you experienced that. it sounds awful, but just remember those aren't the only guys you'll meet in korea. the right people are definitely out there. you're a great person with wonderful charisma. it'll all work out in due time, just keep your head up!


I'm gonna check that channel out cause I've been thinking that format would be a lot of fun. But also terrifying


Yes for sure check him out! He is one of my fav channels out there, the streams are usually very relaxing and chill, but sometimes they go into the night during the weekends and you get to see all the nightlife around Shibuya in Toyko. So fun.

Geneva The Weeba

“I don’t know if I’m prepared to cry today,” (cut to Violet screaming for the Major) “There’s this weird kind of subconscious calculus that happens where the pain of loss in front of you is just too great to comprehend and so the way it gets experienced is just something like panic and desperation,” “Is it raining or are we tearbending?” “‘Anti-peace faction’. They need to work on their branding. Why would you be outwardly anti-peace, of all things?” “You want to turn to anger and rage, but you can’t. You know it won’t help,” “This guy is secretly emotional Santa Claus,” “Being at one out of a hundred is better than being at zero,” “It’s just the moment that you have and what you do with it,”