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In Violet Evergarden episode 7, Nameless, Violet Evergarden takes a shot at being Lady Jesus 2 but in a different way.


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violet 1x7 extended

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where the fuck was i yesterday i cant i believe i missed this upload and of Alex being this emotional Matthew B has it right this is just the beginning

Geneva The Weeba

“‘And now having killed the king and become the same evil my character arc has come to a tragic conclusion’,” “True bachelor pad. Definitely break-up bachelor pad. What’s the point of cleaning your room if no-one’s coming over?” “There is a potential trap in glamorizing or glorifying being troubled as a form of creative inspiration,” “And just like that, carbonara. Boom,” “Someone hasn’t seen Mary Poppins,” “She did walk on water. Does that make her Second Lady Jesus? Lady Jesus 2,” (Tohru can be Girl Jesus and Violet can be Lady Jesus, it's perfect) “It’s a different kind of grief: the grief you’ve caused yourself,”