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In Vinland Saga 1x11, Gamble, no children are safe in the forest as Thorkell continues his 8-fingered one-man-army rampage in order to capture the Prin.... have a great time.


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vinland 1x11 extended

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I read a fiction norse book but for the life of me i can't remember the name or the author it will bug me until i find/remember it Edit: Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard Trilogy by Rick Riordan no wonder i couldn't remember the name its long AF maybe that's also why i love Thorkell: he dual wields XD no Canute is male just a very pretty male

Geneva The Weeba

“There’s a smell and emotion that comes with fall,” “Still knows what the right priorities are in life: sausages,” “But are they tall with big asses like Jennifer Lawrence?” (another ‘the world and life is all speed dating’) “Can’t tell if crazy or joking or serious,” “His Lord and Savior: Booze. Get this man a horn,” “There’s this eternal problem of confusing source for signal,” “There is what is. There’s what is truth, even if we can’t fully grasp it in its raw form,” “He’s in it just to play,” “That’s it. That’s their strategy: Thorkell,” “The human carnage is fine. I will not stand for animal abuse. Poor deer,” “He’s his biggest fan. And occasionally his mother,” “..and then also Ragnar and this drunk priest. Just for fun,” “Is the Prince a Princ*ess*? Or is he just really stunningly beautiful?” “The Prince might just be Gojo-level good looking,”